Reader/Author-Submitted Links

Bad Fanfic! No Biscuit!
A miniature archive of bad fanfiction and discussion on what makes bad fanfics bad

Careful Destiny
A Ranma 1/2 "What if...?" fan fiction

Elmer Studios
Fun With MiSTing

Grammar Lessons
If you're going to submit anything to Indie Madnesse, read this page. TWICE.

Jeff Hosmer's Rogues' Gallery
Fun With Anime Fanfiction

John Biles's Homepage
John Biles's Fanfictions and Fun Pages

Mystery Octagon Theater 3000
Author Avatars roasting fiction; inspiration for ImproFicRoast
New Attitude Fighting League
A crossover-fighting tournament partially written by Ind. Mad. regulars

Shinji's Vault of Anime MiSTings
Joel, Mike, Crow, Tom Servo and others roast mainly anime fanfiction
Ultimate Video Rumble
A crossover royal rumble partially written by Ind. Mad. regulars Gavok and MMK

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