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ImproFicRoast: Guide to MSTing the ImproFicRoast Way Written and Updated by Mark Poa With Input from: Jonatan Streith Idea inspired by Mystery Octagon Theater Style Guide by Thomas "Wanderer" Wilde For use with ImproFicRoast Not for sale or rent or consumption. Not taken as a threat, or a repository. May be illegal in Portugal. ======== ======================================= Ye Obligaetorie Introductione Thingie ======================================= The problem with having different writers writing an MST is having to feed everyone good snacks. No, not really, but I was checking if you were paying attention. Anyway, this style guide is a way of helping out the poor editors with their work in crafting the MSTing masterpieces of ImproFicRoast. It would also help out those with an itchy hand to edit (like me) to have some kind of guide when helping to edit between posts. Potential MSTers, keep in mind that this would really help out ye olde editors, as well as add to the aesthetic value of the MSTing. To quote someone I can't recall right now, "There's only one thing worse than reading a badly-written fic; it's reading a badly-written fic that's been badly MSTed." =================================== Ye Guide to ImproFicRoast MSTing =================================== 1) What is ImproFicRoast and who can MST? ImproFicRoast falls in the category of Meta-MSTing. It is a fairly unorthodox way of writing an MST. Normally, MST fiction is written by one writer or a group of writers. However, the MST process in ImproFicRoast involves allowing a pool of writers to contribute their riffs and jokes in a messageboard environment. The end result is compiled and edited, the culminating product of the whole group. ImproFicRoast uses author avatars instead of the usual Joel/Mike and the Bots cast. The theater is usually composed of five to six seats, though this may change depending on the general consensus or when we would like to try something out. Author avatars are chosen during the "dibs season" when the admin calls out for dibs on theater seats. Advance dibs for particular riffing sessions are generally discouraged, but that hasn't stopped anyone before. We're easygoing like that. Mads or the Guest Villain are taken on a volunteer basis. Being a Mad means that you volunteer to write the sketches. The Mad scientist attire should not be taken lightly. (See the Writing Sketches section for more.) Anyone and everyone who wants to MST a current work is welcome to contribute. We only ask that riffs and jokes be sensible, reasonable, and funny. The term "shadowMST" applies to people who MST even though their avatar is not in the theater. This is encouraged. Knock yourself out. 2) Posting Do's and Dont's (a) Spelling and Punctuation DO: Reread before posting. Since most of the MSTing "targets" we roast in this forum are dens of misspelled words, incorrect punctuation, and typos aplenty, it wouldn't be in good taste to riff them when our own work is victim to the Bad Grammar Gods. [pointless interlude] Pot: Hey, Kettle! You're black! Kettle: But am I Cool? [/pointless interlude] When posting riffs, double-check your work for typos, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Spell check might be helpful, but I wouldn't trust it as much as good old-fashioned rereading. A quick rereading through your work before you click on that "Post" button would help make the MSTing that much better. DO: Help out with the editing. If you see a spelling or grammar mistake in the previous post before you, take the time to correct it. Your editors thank you. DO: Check to see if spelling and grammar mistakes are intentional. On special instances, such as for the avatars Mr. Knht or the Mad Dr. Thinker, the lines are intentionally written with bad grammar and spelling. (b) Merging Posts DO: Merge threads whenever possible. Whenever writers post at almost the same time (thus making the thread fork), it is advisable that the one who posted second merge the threads. Or if you're full of free time and would like to post after them, merge the posts first before adding your own contributions. DO: Merge threads as _completely_ as possible. When merging, take the time to make sure that the merged thread is indeed a merged thread. A common danger in merging is that some jokes will be missed. Be careful merging. DON'T: Post a new post underneath only one thread when an MST diverges. Not only did you possibly miss a joke or two in the other thread, it is also an indirect insult to the other writer. Merging two MSTing threads would ensure that succeeding writers would not miss good joke opportunities or write in a riff for a line already riffed good. Plus, it's pretty much common courtesy to save the editors the trouble of having to merge threads during the compiling and editing process of MST production. (c) Other advice DO: Introduce yourself first before posting for a riff. We would like to know who contributes to the MSTing so proper credit is given. Admin Jonatan says: Introducing yourself is a good idea when you show up here, whether you want to riff or just hang around. Introductions should likely be along the lines of "Hi, my name isand I'm from ...". Lengthy descriptions of your avatar should likely wait until people have gotten to know you; some people can get ornery over having a lengthy intro thrust in their faces from a newcomer they don't yet know. While we're far too nice and lenient to complain about that (much), it helps to be careful. DO: Give constructive criticisms and encouragement. DO: Use the "Preview" button. It helps. DO: Feel free to add jokes. The funnier, the better. But don't feel limited or shy. If the joke's not that good, it might still be improved by you or a co-writer. DON'T: Flame, insult, or start a fight with anyone in the MB. Remember to keep criticisms civil. We're all here to have fun. Don't ruin it for the rest of us. Bitch. DON'T: Feed the monkeys. They bite. DO: Feed the management staff. FEED US, SEYMOUR! 3) Writing Script-type MSTing (a) Script format MSTings are written in script format. The present tense is used for actions using this format. This format is characterized by the speaker's name preceding the dialogue. To illustrate: > You have no life. HAHAHAHA! Jon: I hate this fic. Mark: Yeah. It's not only badly written; it's rude, too. Special attention to writing is given since this format does not allow detailed instructions, especially for actions and descriptions. The focus of the format is on the riffs or dialogue. Ways of getting around this limitation are in the succeeding section. (b) Brackets and Script Situations The usual brackets used in the ImproFicRoast MSTings boil down to this simple guide: ( ) -- used for actions [ ] -- used for imitations, mood, and voice changes However, ImproFicRoast is quite lenient regarding the use of these brackets. As long as the intent is clear, alternative ways of denoting the actions or imitation of the characters may be used. Other alternative brackets may include < > or { }. However, these tend to stand out when written alongside the commonly used ( ) and [ ]. It is still preferred that the previous be used. When adding dialogue in a previously written series of riffs, it is better to follow the style used by the previous writer. For example, if the preceding post has the following lines: W4: (Alucard) Dracula is my father. Skrib: (Dracula) That's a lie! Added lines should follow the style used. In this case: W4: (Alucard) Dracula is my father. Skrib: (Dracula) That's a lie! Mark: (Belmont) I am his mother. Or, the next writer may use a different style, provided he edit the whole thing. For example: W4 [Alucard]: Dracula is my father. Skrib [Dracula]: That's a lie! Mark [Belmont]: I am his mother. Looking at the following example, we can see how not following this rule of thumb can cause style conflicts: W4: (Alucard) Dracula is my father. Skrib: (Dracula) That's a lie! Mark [Belmont]: I am his mother. It is also advisable that brackets used for imitation be different from ones used for actions. This helps avoid reader confusion and enhance reading ease. *GOOD EXAMPLE: Jonatan [evil scientist]: I shall see you in hell! (grins) *BAD EXAMPLE: Jonatan (evil scientist): I shall see you in hell! (grins) Here are some examples for different script situations and their suggested formats. *MOOD: NeoVid [bored]: Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. *IMPERSONATIONS: Ranma X [Superman]: You see, Lois. Supergirl's secret is... *SOUND EFFECTS: R.Jak: How can this be any worse? (*Ominous thunder*) R.Jak: I had to ask. *SINGING: Jon: o/~Goodbye, everyday! o/~ or Jon [singing]: Goodbye, everyday! *A SINGING IMPERSONATION IN A CERTAIN MOOD THAT LEADS INEXORABLY TO VIOLENCE AND HENCE A SOUND EFFECT: (Idea stolen from MOT...just because it's too funny to pass up. ^_^) Skrib [Akio, happy]: o/~I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was! o/~ Ranma X: (eyetwitch) Pokemon? (Gets out his spatula) Die! (*CRASH*) Skrib: Itai! @_@ *SIMPLE ACTIONS: Kate: (scratching her head) Why did we just facefault? *COMPLEX ACTIONS: R.Jak: That's it! I'm going for a drink. (R. Jak gets up and heads for the door. He opens it and heads out. Sounds of a faucet running is heard. R. Jak returns with a glass of water and sits down again.) Mark: Wait, the door was open? R.Jak: Yeah, it... (A pause. The riffers look toward the door. As one, they make a break for it. All exit.) *REFERENCING THE MAD Sig: Hey, W4! W4 [over intercom]: Yes? Sig: Is it over yet? W4 [over intercom]: It's not over until the fat lady sings. Sig: Does a fat dragon scribe singing count? W4 [over intercom]: No. Sig: Damn. Note: The Mad or Torturer is never inside the theater. His lines should always be written as coming from an intercom. Please limit interaction with the Mad to a minimum; he or she is torturing the riffers, not riffing the fic with them. (c) Grammar issues ** Capitalization *Consult a good book on grammar. It has everything you need to know... except about the birds and the bees, though. *Proper nouns are capitalized, except for some names. For reference, look at how the original writer writes that name. 98 times out of a hundred, it's the way it should be written. *Special cases may sometimes require special attention. For instance, NeoVid types his avatar's name that way. Jonatan uses a strange system for writing his name that defies understanding by others, apparently. ** Here are some handy guides for trailing off lines: *When the line trails off at the end, use only three periods in a row: Jon: I don't want to know... *When beginning a line by trailing, capitalize the first word only if it's a proper noun: Mark: ...I think I'm to be sick. *If the first word in the sentence is an improper noun, it isn't capitalized: Skrib: ...no, story, I really don't think that's possible. *Note: Spaces are unnecessary before or after the periods. *Additional Note: The above does not refer to lines that trail off... then has a follow-up. You need to put a space between the ellipses and the first word in the follow-up. To illustrate: Writing like this... is right. Writing like this...is wrong. *One More Note: Ellipses are always three periods. Three as in dot dot dot. Don't make us hurt you... ** Continuing a line riffs *In riffs that finish the sentence of the original text, there are ways to write them: >The car ran over the hill and VARIATION 1 Mark: ...went over the side. VARIATION 2: Sig: --found itself in China. VARIATION 3: Jon: -Won the Indie 500. (d) Character issues Writing for someone else's avatar is tricky at best. The danger of writing someone out of character, or OOC, is a regrettable error. It is, unfortunately, also more or less unavoidable in the long run. However, here are some handy hints to avoid conflicts regarding this: ** Before writing *Read the Profiles page to get an idea of how a specific avatar acts or riffs. Most avatars have a personality profile already in place from prior MSTs which could give you an idea of what lines or actions best suit them. *Consult the writer who uses the author avatar. He/ she has the best idea of how his character is. It would also help you to know how flexible he/she allows the avatar to become. Some authors can be accommodating to OOC situations or lines, depending on the situation. *Also, one should not be afraid of making a other-avatar- riff for fear that it might be OOC and offend the other person. If in doubt, go ahead; if there are objections, those will be sorted out as smoothly as possible. (We still have that crack team of gun-carrying nuns running around somewhere around here... -M) (They're my nuns, damnit! -J) ** If you are the one who makes the mistake *Try to correct the mistake as soon as possible. Suggest alternatives. *Do not force your perspective at the author. The writer of the author avatar has the right to his/her character. ** If it is your author avatar being written OOC *Do not go ballistic immediately. Express the reason why the avatar is OOC and state alternative treatment. Be understanding and don't take it personally. Mistakes happen. *Modify the lines or actions to make it in-character or delete it. You have the right to. It's your avatar. *If the OOCness is not that significant, consider if you can allow it. After all, it might be funny and/or written in an entertaining way. (e) Other issues ** Excessive swearing is frowned upon. Avoid the f-word and s-word. The occasional "damn" or ASCII characters are fine, but use them in moderation. We'd like to maintain a PG-rating. ** Okay is written this way. "OK" is okay, but not advisable. Similarly, it should be "all right", not "alright." ** The names of the riffers are often written in full but some may prefer the short form. For example, Jonatan may be written as Jon while in script format or in conversation. Signus may be written as simply Sig. To best maintain consistency, look at how the previous writer writes it and follow suit. That way, there won't be confusion as to how many riffers there are in the theater or who's who. ** Author-bashing should be kept to the absolute minimum. Common "I will kill the author when I get out" riffs are acceptable; but direct flaming or insulting of an author through the riffing is not a Good Thing (tm). ** ImproFicRoast uses author avatars. The theater is composed of a group of riffers. Do not make your character the center of attention always. Spread the riffs around and allow other writers to use joke opportunities on occasion. Also, twinks and uber- powered avatars are usually frowned upon or ditched. Equal opportunity is where it's at, baby! ** When there are no mention of specific issues here, try to follow what previous writers have done or how they wrote it. If still in doubt, consult a good grammar book, ask an admin, or consult the board in general. 4) Writing Sketches Sketches are the parts of the MSTing wherein the riffers are not riffing. (Like, duh!) These include the standard introduction sketch, the ending sketch, commercial parodies, skits, and breaks. Sketches are used to "frame" the riffing by setting up the situation of the riffers, why they are in the torture, who their characters are, what they do, and others. The normal procedure of ImproFicRoast is that the designated or volunteer Mad for the episode would write the sketch. The sketch is posted whereupon it is available for editing and modifications by other parties. (Of course, we're not really that big on following normal procedures...) Any person may write a sketch. However, since the Mad has dibs on them, he/she should first be notified. Common courtesy, folks. After all, the only rule we enforce is "as long as you tell everyone, and people agree on it, you can do whatever you like." Sketches may be written in prose format or script format. We're not picky about it, just as long as you stick to one of the two. 5) Compiling and Editing Editing tasks fall on the admin of ImproFicRoast. However, volunteers may come forward and edit the compiled MSTs. It all boils down to helping each other out. Similarly, asking for help is also not a bad idea when RL becomes a bitch. Someone else might have free time on their hands. Editors should keep in mind that consistency in writing style and good formatting is as important to a good-looking work as good grammar and spelling. It is also advisable that editing is not limited to one run-through. If possible, the editor should run through the entire thing again or have someone else run through it to find any errors missed. The editor will put up a rough draft on the main site which can be browsed and criticized at your leisure, or at least until the editor decides it looks good and puts it up as complete version. ========================================= Comments? Suggestions? Additions? Post them to: http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/51339 ImproFicRoast http://indiemadnesse.sandwich.net/ifroast/ifroast.htm IndieMadnesse http://indiemadnesse.sandwich.net Beta Version 02/01/2002 1.0 Version 02/06/2002