Cast in this unlikely role, ill equipped to act -- with insufficient tact -- one must put up barriers to keep oneself intact. -- Rush, "Limelight" They are mortal enemies. Like Jews and Arabs, Jedi and Trekkies, and of course, spaghetti and milk. -- Gimpy, alias G-Prime ======== Alicia sat in a corner, frustrated. She had locked the woman into a storage closet, and shut Harlukia into one of the drawers that held dead bodies. The problem was, she still didn't know how to get out. The doors were locked, and everything that Alicia threw at them merely bounced back, bent or broken. Then, the door to the drawer which Harlukia was locked in was knocked off the wall. ===================================== New Haven ------------------------------------- it resembles my own mind except you happen to be insane Scene 1-6: Crosstown Traffic by James Howard ===================================== Harlukia moved very slowly as he crawled backwards out of the drawer, sluggishly sliding himself out of the locker. Harlukia was not moving slowly because of caution or physical pain, but because of the severe sapping of power that he felt himself being held under. Harlukia turned around to face Alicia and walked a few steps forward, but was not looking at her or at anything at all. His eyes were glazed over and staring into space, looking as though something had him in complete surprise. Alicia began slowly circling around him, towards the bedpan she had used earlier that was at the moment behind Harlukia. "Geistenkinden," Harlukia mumbled to himself in shock. Alicia snagged the bedpan without taking her eyes off of Harlukia, steeled herself and charged forward. "Rache," Harlukia mumbled to himself, his expression still vacant. Alicia held the bedpan in two hands and swung downwards as hard as she could towards Harlukia's head. The first hit didn't stir Harlukia at all. The second hit roused him a little bit from his contemplation. The third hit cleared his mind a little further, to the point that he was now partially conscious of where he was. Alicia, again screaming the scream of the incredibly frustrated, brought the bedpan down across Harlukia's head so hard that the ensuing dent now made the bedpan completely unrecognizable. Alicia watched in fear as Harlukia's eyes snapped forward and then screamed as the eyes focused intently upon her. "You," Harlukia growled. His eyes then rolled into the back of his head and he pitched backwards unconscious. Alicia dropped the mangled bedpan, walked over to a chair beside a wall and sat down. And took several deep, deep breaths. She would investigate Harlukia for keys and then put him in another drawer later. For now, she was going to sit and perhaps calm her nerves down a little bit. ======== "I'm sorry!" Johnny Basquain whimpered desperately, attempting both to curl into the fetal position and to skitter backwards as fast as he could. The tigers and panther sitting in a circle around him found this quite amusing; one tiger happened to yawn when Johnny backed towards him, causing Johnny to leap into the air and make strangled screaming noises as he scampered back into the center. Jebdorn felt that the man held no particular interest to him. He smelled like fear, which was nothing Jebdorn was not used to; but that wasn't the smell Jebdorn was following. Jebdorn could smell the man who was held inside a tight cocoon of webbing his spider minions had wound, and the man distinctly carried Harlukia's scent. Obviously he had come into contact with Jebdorn's hated enemy quite recently; was this Harlukia's ally? Enemy? "Please don't eat me!" Johnny yelped, flopping backwards away from a giant butterfly that happened to land on a nearby flower. The butterfly seemed to pay no attention to him, but the tigers were again quite tickled by this. Jebdorn made the decision, as much as Jebdorn ever really 'decided' anything that wasn't instinctual, that the three of them seemed to pose no apparent threat. Jebdorn gave his companions the order -- through pheromones, his main communication with his entourage of animal allies -- that it was perfectly okay to eat them now that he'd checked things out first. The tigers thought this quite acceptable indeed; they rose as one and approached the center of the circle, where Johnny was at this point making panic noises one usually associates with a small puppy. The panther, who had not moved, watched intently as the tigers closed in; they were all within a foot and a half of Johnny when the noise began. Jebdorn froze, and the park froze with him. Jebdorn could instinctually identify the call of any animal that had ever walked this planet, past or present; and while the sounds something was making from roughly eight blocks away sounded familiar to Jebdorn in some ways, it also sounded much like nothing Jebdorn had ever heard before in all his existence. The noise halted then started up again, the roar of a terrible giant mixed with the faint buzzing noise of something unnatural firing to life. The noise, Jebdorn and Johnny both suddenly realized, was getting closer. Johnny brought himself to a standing position, his eyes as wide as they were ever going to be as he stared into the distance. He then became aware that the tigers, as well, were all focused in that direction. The spiders, too, had turned to look; all creatures great and small (which was still pretty great considering the size of the creatures in question) were intently studying the approach of this unidentified terror. Jebdorn felt the vibrations in the ground as the creature approached and again heard the vicious, terrifying mixture of natural and unnatural sound that the gigantic beast seemed to be bringing with it. Jebdorn then did what Jebdorn did not usually do. Jebdorn gave the pheromone order to all the organisms accompanying him that, translated into English (if you could do that sort of thing with scents), carried the message "Run the *fuck* away *right now*". Johnny looked around in amazement as the forest emptied itself of life, the animals stampeding around and past him as they took off in all directions that the oncoming threat wasn't oncoming from. Johnny found himself completely alone among the vegetation in the park, except of course for two balls of webbing. "Karen!" Johnny called, running over to the nearest pile of webbing. "Hang on!" Johnny began ripping at the threads, tearing them apart as he tried to dig Karen free. The material was quite sticky, but Johnny was able to counteract that by wiping the strands of webbing off on his clothes every few seconds. He kept at it, clawing at the cocoon of threaded web, until a large enough opening was made that he could reach in and pull Karen out. It took him a couple tries (either Johnny was particularily weak or Karen was particularily heavy, and Johnny wasn't sure which one he'd rather think was the reason), but he pulled Karen out from inside the webbing and held her in his arms to check on her. "Karen!" Johnny called, shaking Karen slightly. "Karen!" Johnny patted her cheek a couple times to try and rouse her from her faint. "Karen!" Despite himself, Johnny found his concentration drifting off as he gazed at Karen's sleeping face. Johnny gradually fell silent as he took in every curve, every line of her countenance and thought to himself about-- Karen's eyes slowly wavered open as she gave off a low, small noise of waking up, a sort of soft "nnnrgh" as she came to. Johnny's eyes drifted up to Karen's and their gazes met for several seconds. Johnny opened his mouth to speak, and it was at this point that his brain locked up. "hhhhhh", Johnny breathed, staring into Karen's eyes. "Johnny," Karen began softly, "are the spiders gone?" "hhhhhh", Johnny reiterated, his brain still in suspended animation. His mind sent the message that a nod was probably in order, and Johnny complied with a slight bob of his head. "Ohmigod!" Karen blurted, sitting upright out of Johnny's arms and looking around. "Charlie!" It took Johnny a couple seconds to run this through before his mind could start up again. "Huh?" he asked, finally. "Charlie!" Karen called, running over to the ball of webbing that was affixed to a fallen tree. Johnny ran over as well; he was still a bit dazed, and truth be told he had actually completely forgotten Charlie was there, but Johnny figured that the best way to score points with Karen was to act as though Charlie held some importance to him. "Hang on, Charlie! We'll get you out!" Johnny called into the ball. Johnny reached down and began clawing at the webbing. "Here," Karen offered, moving Johnny out of the way. Karen picked up a fairly solid stick, poked it into the web and used it to pull the strands apart with ease. Johnny glanced down at his clothes covered in web and felt extremely dumb for a few seconds. When he glanced up again, Karen had pulled open a hole and was dragging Charlie out. "Hi, Karen!" Charlie said cheerfully, crawling out of the orb of web. "Good thing you got me out when you did or I would have passed out in there." A look of bemusement crept onto Karen's face as she watched Charlie wipe sweat off his brow. "It was really hot," Charlie added. "So how are you?" "Charlie," Karen grinned, shaking her head and giving her brother a hug. "You're unbelievable." Johnny felt his forehead wrinkle in frustration as he watched Karen hug Charlie, who Johnny was quickly beginning to hate. "Johnny!" Charlie said, walking over to Johnny. "You fought the spiders off? Good job, man!" Charlie opened his arms and gave Johnny a manly hug of support. Frustration and disappointment began having a knife fight in the back of Johnny's head as he looked at Karen over Charlie's shoulder. Karen smiled, pleased that things appeared to be going well. "Hey, you're all sticky," Charlie said, letting go of the hug and looking down at Johnny's clothes. "That must have been some fight." "Look, shouldn't we be heading to Kramer's right now?" Johnny asked. "That's right!" Charlie said appreciatively. "Let's move!" The terrible noise of roaring and machinery again sounded, echoing off the vegetation and causing the three of them to jump. The source of the sound was a lot closer than it had been a minute ago. "Oh, wait," Johnny said. "Yeah." "Johnny," Karen asked nervously, "what was that?" "I really have no idea," Johnny replied. "Shall we flee from it?" Johnny turned and made as if to run away. "But Kramer's is that way," Charlie pointed out, pointing a finger in the direction the noises were coming from. "We'll take a longer route," Johnny said quickly. "A much longer route." "I think you're just being silly," Charlie said, as booming footsteps became audible. "How bad could it be?" Fortune and Disaster tapped their coffee mugs together and shared a hearty laugh. As soon as the word 'be' had left Charlie's lips the footsteps grew louder to the point that their source was just out of sight. Charlie turned around and saw a wall of ferns fifteen feet high rustle slightly, then collapse. Then Charlie saw what had knocked the ferns down. Well, okay, first Charlie saw the *teeth* of what had knocked the ferns down. *Then* he saw, as a whole, what had knocked the ferns down. It was ten feet tall at its highest point and nine feet wide at its thickest, and though Charlie couldn't actually get a proper view from where he was standing he was pretty sure it had to be at least thirty feet long. What Charlie was looking at, courtesy of waste chemicals, radioactive waste and the New Haven Sewer System, was the second largest alligator in recorded history. It parted its jaws and gave a roar that shook the earth around Charlie, the wave of air from said roar nearly knocking Charlie off his feet. Partway through the roar a noise joined the roar that sounded like a large motor revving to life, creating a ferocious din of cacophonous terror that shook Charlie to his core. The gargantuan reptile closed its mouth and the noise it was creating halted abruptly, leaving in its wake a vacuumous silence that seemed to envelop all existence. In the stillness the dawn broke behind the monstrous beast and slowly filled the vacuum of silence with a flood of morning light as the beast and the man stared each other down. Charlie turned away from the alligator and gave Karen a look of complete and total amazement, receiving a roughly equivalent look from his sister. "Oh," Charlie said, breaking the silence. "THIS WAY, YOU DUMBASSES!" Johnny called from all the way back at the park entrance, waving his arms over his head. Johnny had taken off running as soon as the word 'could' had passed through Charlie's lips. "I think we should run, Charlie," Karen stated flatly, slowly starting to back away from the alligator. Charlie turned numbly to look at the alligator. "Maybe it's friendly," he suggested, a small tone of hope entering his voice. The alligator opened its maw and gave another earsplitting swell of noise. When it closed its mouth again Karen and Johnny were halfway to the entrance. "I don't know why I argue these things with you," Charlie suggested to his sister. "Shut up and *run*!" Karen told him. The rhythmic booming behind the two of them let them know that they were now being followed. "Shit!" they heard Johnny yelp as they looked behind them, and when they looked forward again Johnny was again running as fast as his legs could carry him. And screaming, of course; we can't forget the screaming. "This is ridiculous!" Johnny wailed at the top of his lungs, which quickly proved to be a bad idea as he began to run low on oxygen and slowed down considerably. Johnny pulled up the second Charlie and Karen reached him, bending over and panting heavily. "Johnny, come on!" Karen screamed, then made a sound in her throat and froze up as she looked past Johnny. A lone giant spider, which had been feasting on a fruit stand, gave the three of them a look as though to ask them what the hell they were *doing* leading that thing this way. Another roar came from the pursuing alligator and the spider leapt out of the fruit cartons and skittered down the street. Charlie and Karen both grabbed Johnny by the shirt and dragged him along behind them as they began running again, unintentionally following the path of the spider as they fled the oncoming reptillian giant. ======== Michael Lime was a bit grumpy. His laptop had run out of power while he was halfway through a very scathing article about the turf wars going on before his very eyes in New Haven, and it was only after a couple minutes that he realized he had left his power pack in the hotel. Then the "turf war" in question, a neighbourhood-wide brawl between the bone shamblers and the fishmen over which of the two groups had the rights to some dumpsters with particularily tasty stuff in them, had forced Michael to abandon his laptop altogether or, alternatively, be crushed and subsequently eaten when the brawl spilled into the alley he'd been sitting in. Michael had looked back while he was running to see the laptop explode when a shambler stepped on it and had felt perhaps more anger than was necessarily called for at that moment. In Michael's defence, it had been a very expensive laptop; but that was not a very good reason to stop, blurt out an indignant "Hey!", and throw a nearby rock at the shambler's head. Not a good reason at all. So Michael, who was now a hated enemy to all bone shamblers and was now forced to lug around an old typewriter he'd found lying by a garbage can if he wanted to get any writing done, was feeling a bit cranky about the way things had been going for him lately as the sun hit noon in the sky above New Haven. Michael found an empty alley to stay in, plunked the heavy typewriter down on a wooden crate, sat on the concrete ground with his legs folded, adjusted the piece of paper the typewriter had been left outside with for whatever reason, and typed. r Michael stared at the single letter on the page for a very, very long time. "Writer's block," he said to himself. "*Writer's block*," he repeated, feeling his shoulders tense up. "*Writer's block*?" he asked himself, staring at his hands in frustration. Michael stood up, threw his head back and screamed in rage for several seconds, the scream of a man for whom things cannot possibly get any worse. Michael let his scream die, collapsed back down to a seated position, and just then noticed that a big golden dog was studying him curiously as it passed by the alley. ======== Casey was quite impressed by the little man in the fuzzy red hat. It wasn't often that Casey ran into humans who could make big noises like the one the interesting man in the funny hat just made. Casey showed his appreciation of the loud noise by barking twice and wagging his tail in a merry way. The human gave him a look of surprise, then picked up his big lumpy black box and quietly walked away as if trying to avoid getting into trouble. Casey felt that was too bad, but didn't bother to try and change the interesting man's mind. Casey was on a mission. One snack from the garbage can later, Casey was back on his other mission. ======== Archbishop Luccini, Father Gregory Bruno, and Father Jonathan Edgewood were sticking very close together. That was the only way they were all sure they were all still there. "Are they gone?" Father Bruno whispered as the three of them made their way through the back alleys of the downtown. He had asked that question many, many times over the last eight hours. "They must be," Father Edgewood whispered. "They must be. It's daylight, for His sakes. That must surely mean they aren't out anymore." "But they warped the very fabric of reality around them!" Father Bruno whispered in protest. "You witnessed it! How are we to know when we are or are not safe?" "Keep your wits about you, fellows," Luccini reminded them, quite blatantly not whispering. "For it is His warning that Evil can strike at anytime, and indeed from anywhere--" Edgewood looked up to see something very large hurtling towards the city from the sky and shrieked like a small child, causing the other two to jump and look into the sky. "A meteorite?" Father Bruno asked incredulously, his face expressing a very surprised sort of panic. The object, possibly a meteorite, plummeted towards the city at a frightening rate of speed. Archbishop Luccini began, unconsciously, to recite passages from the Bible in a low and fast stream of babbling. The three holy men watched in terror as the object fell towards the city, then reacted with incredible surprise when the object suddenly appeared to bounce off of some invisible wall above the city and fly back upwards and out of sight. Archbishop Edgewood's mouth hung open. He even tried to make a couple sounds, but had no luck with it. "Has He blessed this town?" Father Bruno asked, his voice filled with a slightly puzzled reverence. Archbishop Luccini looked back and forth between his two compatriots. "What *was* that?" he asked. ======== "Sir?" "Hey! There you are. Great, great! Let's wipe the suckers off the map!" A pause. "...Hoo boy." "Sir," third voice, "you aren't going to like what you're about to hear." Long pause. "Oh really." "Yes, sir." Pause. "It's about your plan to neutralize the conflict zone of New Haven using nuclear technology--" "Oh, just call it what it is, general. We're wiping them off the face of the Earth! No need for all the jargon." "Fine." Second voice. "Your plan to wipe them off the Earth, then." "Thank you. What about my plan? Are we going to execute it soon, or what?" "You aren't going to want to hear this," third voice. "Just spit it out! Are you saying we can't do it?" "Sir," third voice, "I'm saying we just tried a couple minutes ago." Silence. "Did it work?" "You may want to be seated, Sir." ======== "The United States Military Nuclear Armaments Deployment Branch Sector #33049 fired one small nuclear warhead upon the unresolved conflict region of New Haven as of 12:53 PM on September 30th, 2001. "Upon deployment of the miniature warhead, deployed not as an act of aggression but as a preliminary test routine of firing conditions, the explosive nuclear device was seen to fly directly towards the intended target. Upon reaching a certain point in its flight the miniature warhead abruptly changed its path of motion, through no fault of the men and women of the United States Military, and detonated in a residential area not indicated in the target zone of firing. "We extend our condolences to those adversely affected by the unintended collateral damage inflicted today. [Insignia of United States Government]" That was the official letter that went home that day. What it was in effect saying was that the Government had fired a small-scale bomb at New Haven, basically to see what would happen. There had been hope that perhaps the nuke would pass through the barrier unmolested and make waste of the city, and then as Colonel Joseph Miller of the United States Military Nuclear Armaments Deployment Branch Sector #33049 had put it "we can all fucking go home already". If not that the strike would succeed, there was hope that perhaps the bomb and the shield would cancel each other out, and then as Private Christopher Giovanni put it "we can go in there, shoot some undead shit, y'know, get some action". Nobody had been hoping for what happened. That would be because nobody had been expecting what happened. The United States Military Nuclear Armaments Deployment Branch Sector #33049 had called over the United States Military Light Infantry Branch Sector #58511 so that they'd be out of harm's way, just in case, and then let the nuke fly. The United States Military Nuclear Armaments Deployment Branch Sector #33049 and the United States Military Light Infantry Branch Sector #58511 had watched intently as the warhead flew straight towards the unsuspecting city of New Haven, skimmed gleefully across the top of Steven Carroll's protective barrier like a pebble off a shallow pond and kept on going until it plowed into the neighbouring town of North Redsdale on its second bounce. The two branches of the military watched from very, very far away as a blinding orb of light enveloped the town of about 200,000 people and the town crumbled so fast that it appeared to disappear in three frames of animation--a quick, choppy series of slides that went town- white circle-no town. Hi-ho. As Private Richard Zhamnov of the United States Military Light Infantry Branch Sector #58511 put it, "what... *oh*. Holy shit. That wasn't right." ======== Silence. "I am in awe." A pause. "Sir?" "I really am. You know that? I am amazed beyond cognizant thought. *Jesus Christ*, you two." "Sir, this is the plan of action you--" "Go away. I need to come up with a better plan." "That's for sure." "And I'll have none of your lip, general. Good day." ======== TEASER: Will Charlie, Karen and Johnny escape the giant alligator of monstrous peril? Will Alicia escape the hospital basement of vampiric intent? Will the Vatican Operations Group survive the Geistenkinden onslaught? Will Michael Lime overcome writer's block and survive despite all odds? Will any of these people come even *close* to escaping the city? Will the Government take another stab at solving the New Haven crisis by any means necessary? And, of course, what will Casey eat next? Only Fortune and Disaster are at liberty to say. Well, them and the next author, anyway. ======== AUTHOR'S NOTES: I apologize if there are any glaring, gigantic errors in this body of work. I failed to procure prereaders for this, you see, the reason being that in seven hours I am on a bus to Minneapolis for a five-day band trip. So of course a week ago was the perfect time to sign up and write for New Haven. You know. :) And it's been a while since I've written for the ol' Indie Madnesse, so let me just say that I'm very glad to be back. Because unlike the previous months where I've been very busy and haven't been writing anything, now I'm at the point as a writer and as a human being where I am very busy but writing nonetheless. Just you wait until I'm in *University*, boy, lemme tell you! That'll be a piece of *cake*! Were cake made out of every fear I've ever known, and also out of pain. But, yes! Anyway. I completed something! Whoo! :) -James Howard 05/09/01