You don't fuck around with the infinite. -Mean Streets, a film by Martin Scorsese How can I promise you forever When I can't even promise the rest of the day All I know is we started this journey together And hopefully we can make it the rest of the way -Goodie MOb, "Inshallah" My feathers and flames are one skin Hallowed be Thy name In the beginning there was *no* sin -Vast Aire Kramer, "Scream Phoenix" =============== [September 30, 2001. 8:15 a.m. The Oval Office.] "Mister President?" Silence. "Pardon me, sir, but you need to hear this." "Go away, general." "Sir, please. This is important." A long pause. "Fine, tell me." "We... well..." "Spit it out!" "New Haven is inaccessible." A longer pause. "What?" "New Haven is blocked off from all contact. Communication cannot get in or out. Our men stationed near there say that there is some form of barrier blocking entry to the city." "What?" "Sir, entry to and from New Haven is impossible. Some form of shield sprang up around the town at-" shuffling of papers, "about four thirty. The guards around the town were able to pass through the barrier into the city, but then were not able to return. Apparently, the barrier allowed access in, but restricted exit. The soldiers on our side of the barrier were watched helplessly as our men were devoured by some form of monster." A sigh. "You're kidding. What kind of monster?" "We're not entirely sure, sir. The only concrete fact that we have is that it is very large." Shuffling again. "I quote, 'The monsters seemed to melt out of the ground.' Afterwards, the barrier solidified and cut off all access at..." More shuffling. "Seven. From that point on, there has been no entry. One of our soldiers tried to push through the barrier, but had no luck. There appears to be no adverse effects from touching it." "Why didn't our men shoot the beasts?" "Apparently, even before it solidified, the barrier blocked access to any form of weapons fire. Men could pass freely, but bullets did not. They just seemed to... hang on, I've an account somewhere..." Papers shuffling. "Here it is. 'The bullets dropped to the ground just in front of the barrier, rusted.' That's from the General we have in charge at New Haven. He also said that they tried to send a helicopter in for a rescue, but when it contacted the barrier it exploded." Pause. "Will the nukes still be effective?" "Sir?" "Can we still wipe New Haven off the map?" "That is highly doubtful, sir. The barrier has resisted all small-arms fire, according to our reports." A sigh. "Small arms fire is not a nuclear warhead, general." "I realize that sir, but-" "No buts. We launch at one o'clock today." "Sir, there are people still in the town! Some of our soldiers might have survived!" "Then may God have mercy on their souls." ===================================== New Haven ------------------------------------- there are two things in life. fact... and belief. Scene 1-5: On Earth As It Is... by David 'black dub' Brothers ===================================== The small town of New Haven was not your stereotypical New England city. Even before the disastrous events of September 29, 2001, the city had its odd little vagaries. Occasionally a wandering transient or a young child would go missing, never to be found. Prized possessions would disappear without a trace from homes. A study of statistics over the more than two hundred years of the town's existence would show nothing overly unusual, however, as every town has its little problems. Some things, however, are not recorded in the histories. Some things are only passed down from barely remembered traditions. It is impossible find out everything about New Haven by reading a book, instead, New Haven must be experienced. The traditional story was that the founder of New Haven died in the mountains of Appalachia. The traditional story was wrong. Stephan Carroll went insane and died in a mental hospital. New Haven was to be built in the same manner that Savannah, Georgia was constructed. It was to be highly structured and planned. Corners must be aligned just *so*, the size of each city block *must* be a factor of a certain number. New Haven was to be a paragon of geometric beauty. Somewhere along the line, that plan went horribly wrong. Carroll was a widower. He had lost his wife back in his native Manchester in a hunting accident. In that same accident, Carroll lost the use of his left hand. Grief-stricken, he immersed himself in his studies. He published several papers on non-traditional mathematics and become known for his unorthodox ideas. He quickly became known as an eccentric. He had the house that he and his wife had shared for twenty years torn down and rebuilt according to his new plans. The new house seemed to *twist* the vision of an observer, causing phantom pain in nearly all who gazed upon its dark facade. It burned down roughly six months after it was built. Carroll's focus had changed from a hunger for math to a lust for the secret of life. The thought of his wife haunted his dreams, causing him to sleep perhaps two hours a night. Carroll slowly became more eccentric. He often received visitors in the dead of night, or so his neighbors said. The strange part was that no one was seen coming or going. Ever. His house burned down during the time when Carroll had received one of these visitors. A wealthy nobleman built a new home for Carroll. Carroll felt that he owed the nobleman a favor, so he offered to create a town made of mathematical perfection. The nobleman, being of a playful sort, agreed. He sent Carroll to the Colonies, and told him to build the town on the land that the nobleman already owned. Within eight months, New Haven was born. It was a lively town and a large center of business for quite a while. Then the rumors started. Ten years after the town was built, people began to talk of the man who lived in the house at the edge of town. A local woman claimed that she saw him walking through the streets at night, naked and mumbling to himself. The few who knew who the man was were not surprised. Stephan Carroll had a reputation for eccentricity. Now, in his old age, it had developed into senility. There were always the naysayers, however. Some said that he had made a deal with the Devil. Others said that he had sold his soul to something far, far worse. Just as in England, people soon began to see night visitors at Carroll's home. This time, however, they were much more obvious. Though their form was cloaked in shadow, the townspeople still broke out in goosebumps whenever the visitors were spotted around town. One night, there were the sounds of a raucous party coming from Carroll's house. The young village girl, who served as his maid, came to town the next day for supplies. She was pelted with questions. What was going on? What has he done? Is it true that--? The girl simply replied that nothing had happened, there was no party, and that they should mind their own business. All of the villagers, however, noticed the haunted look in her eyes. The next time she came to town, her eyes were devoid of any emotion at all. Within two weeks, she was found dead in Carroll's bathroom. She had hung herself with strips from her own dress. The girl was Michelle Kramer. She left two sons and an infant daughter behind her. Custody of the children was given to the town of New Haven. The years began to pass quickly. The villagers were terrified of the house, and of the nearly ancient Carroll as well. He had fired all of the help one spring morning, so his house was filthy and lawn was growing out of control. He became even more of a recluse, only coming to town to buy supplies, use the services of the brothel, or to pick up packages. The packages were invariably book-shaped, some larger than others. The years had not been kind to him. Carroll, once a tall, proud man, was now bitterly weak. His left arm seemed to be paralyzed, and his heavy limp showed how far he had fallen from grace. His face was newly scarred. Someone, or something, had carved a jagged vertical line beginning on his forehead and ended just above his lip. No one, having looked at his face, could decide on what exactly the scar resembled. Some said it was a cross, others a sword. Still others said that it was a woman. The villagers put up with him however. He was quite old, and should die soon. Sadly, that was not to be the case. Everything came to a head nineteen years after the construction of New Haven, and twenty-two years after the death of his wife. Over a period of three months, October, November, and December, everything grew to a wild crescendo and then came to a screeching halt. In middle October, Children began to disappear at an alarming rate. By mid-November, no less than two dozen were gone. Often, small articles from the children would be found on the outskirts of New Haven. Toys, shoes, hats, even clothes sometimes. By mid-December, adults began to disappear as well. Some may have left the town due to fear, but there is no way to tell. None of the bodies were ever found. Then, the owner of a local brothel claimed that one of her girls was last seen with Carroll. The girl was found just outside of Carroll's home, horribly mutilated. When the local police stormed his house, they found him sitting in his bathtub, covered in blood and staring off into space, babbling nonsense to himself. The arresting officers refused to repeat what was said. Some of the blood was Carroll's. He was bleeding from the ears and eyes, and there were long cuts over his chest. But, there was too much blood for only one person. There had to be another source. Obscure equations were written on the floors and walls of the bathroom in blood, as well as many incomprehensible groupings of letters. The letters never did really wash out. They just seemed to fade over time. Stephan Carroll had finally gone insane. He was removed from his home and placed in a mental hospital, where he spent the last of his days. But, Carroll's 'gift' to the city of New Haven remained. It lasted over the years, wholly undetected. Undetected, that is, until September 30, 2001, when it awakened. =============== Viewed from above, the very design of New Haven would seem to twist the eye in much the same manner that Carroll's house in Manchester, England did. Something about the town would just tickle at the back of a man's mind. Perhaps the fact that the town expanded in a very logical manner caused this. Every new road, every new district conformed to Carroll's original idea of the town. Perfection was absolute. In truth, the angles of the town would just not look right. A grouping of roads that should have formed a triangle would have more than 180 degrees. Nowhere was this more apparent than in Carroll's old home. That entire city block was a puzzle of non-Euclidian measurements. What made it worse was that it was the Historic District, meaning that all the houses were carefully preserved. It also meant that it was deserted. No one could live there for fear of damaging the relics. Those who tried to live there moved away within a very short period of time. On September 30, 2001, at 4:20 a.m., the strange stains on the wall of Stephan Carroll's old bathroom glowed a bright red. It was so bright that it would have been visible from the outside, had anyone been around to witness it. The house seemed to bulge outwards and then winked out of existence. In its place stood a small grey sphere, which soon dissolved into a fine mist. This mist quickly traveled from the former house to the outskirts of town. From there, it grew rapidly, covering the town in a grey bubble. All of the plants within three feet of it on both sides turned old, brittle, and finally to dust. Then, the bubble began to solidify. By 7:00 a.m., the grey mist had progressed from bubble to barrier. The barrier glowed a dark purple and pulsed in a steady rhythm, as if it was the beating of a dark heart. Those who had the privilege of observing the barrier from a safe distance would note that the barrier did not impede sight at all, indeed, it seemd to draw the eye into the town. You see, Stephan Carroll knew that there was no way that he could live forever. Human beings simply do not have the mental equipment to handle eternity. Instead, Carroll gave his life's work the gift of immortality. Immortality is not just about living forever. Immortality is remaining the same. Eternal agelessness. Immortality is maintaining a static state when all else around you decays. Nothing would be permitted entry or exit that would disturb the careful balance that existed in New Haven. New Haven was now immortal. New Haven was now protected from the rest of the world. The only things that could harm New Haven now were the ravages of Time... and New Haven itself. =============== [September 30, 2001. 3:55 a.m. Near City Hall.] The Vatican Operations Group had set up shop two blocks from City Hall at about three a.m. God played by His own rules, and Evil was forced to abide by them. Tradition stated that evil tends to set up where it can easily access the faithful. In New Haven, this must mean the center of town. Archbishop Luccini, Father Gregory Bruno, and Father Johnathan Edgewood were going over one last weapons check when City Hall exploded. They rushed from their van just in time to see a fanged creature run by them, screeching in an inhuman voice and bleeding from a gaping hole in its stomach. Then the wailing began. Barely visible in the night sky was a living shadow. It screamed and screamed as it flew over the wrecked City Hall. Its scream gradually quieted and turned to a sickly laughter. It was the laughter of children. "Good God," breathed Father Edgewood, gazing upward. "It's real. It's all real." He looked at his compatriots guiltily, wondering if they had detected his lapse of faith. The look on their faces said that they had not. They were in as much awe as Edgewood. "We must be about His business," said Luccini. Bruno nodded and crossed himself. They began walking back to their Econoline. Unseen by the two of them, Edgewood slipped a small silver flask out of his inside pocket and took a long pull. He grimaced, put the flask away and returned to the van. =============== [September 30, 2001. Approximately 4:00 a.m. Karen Hopewell's abandoned car.] Casey was confused. He had found the master's shiny metal thing, but it was surrounded by odd little men. Some were looking inside the metal thing, while others had opened the top of it and poking around. The men stood at about Casey's height and they all looked the same to Casey. Each one had huge ears, similar to the foxes that Casey sometimes hunted, and a large tooth filled mouth. They were also dressed in the same type of clothes that the male master wore when he opened the top of the shiny metal thing and shouted at the large-sounding animal that lived inside it. They seemed to be singing and dancing around the metal thing. Their voices grated on Casey's sensitive ears, so he barked to tell them to be quiet and back away from the metal thing. This spooked them and they all ran off in a different direction. To Casey, this was no different than when the male master took him along in the bigger shiny metal thing with loud noises and the bad humans all ran away. Casey gave chase, but soon tired of the game. The little men were too fast to catch, and the one that he did catch had a horrible taste. Casey returned to the car and sniffed around. He finally caught the scent of his masters walking off in another direction. Casey gave the local tree a visit and trotted off. =============== [September 30, 2001. 4:16 a.m. Basement of New Haven Hospital.] Harlukia was nauseous. He had returned from City Hall about an hour and a half ago with his two female charges. Alicia remained unconscious, while the other woman would most likely not awaken for a long time. He had placed them both on cots in the morgue and sat down to relax. He popped open a bag of Type O blood to sip on while he tried to doze off. However, the nausea was bothering him mentally. Though he was a vampire, a few human traits still remained alive and well in him. Nausea, however, was not one of them. Shortly after returning to the morgue, Harlukia became so nauseous that he could barely stand. It passed after a moment, but it was still strange. With a start, Harlukia realized the problem. He had only drank a little of the man's blood before he realized that it was type AB. Perhaps that small amount of AB blood was affecting him in this manner. But, this had never happened before. Harlukia should have been invincible. As Harlukia was contemplating this, he began to itch. At first, he passed it off as a reaction to all the magical and psychic forces bouncing about in New Haven. After a moment, it was already too painful to ignore. The itch was all over his body, and burned like fire. He pulled up his sleeves and looked at his arms. His pale skin was covered in hives. Then, he began to itch below the belt. He began scratching like mad, his thoughts only on ridding himself of this ignoble pain. His consort and revenge could wait. This was important. The woman he had found in City Hall suddenly sat up across the room. She looked around and saw only Harlukia scratching his unmentionables. "Harlukia?!" she screamed. Harlukia looked up in shock. How did she know his name? Who was she? What was she-- Before he could question her properly, Harlukia was knocked off his feet by an unseen force. He slammed into the hard metal wall of the morgue and lost consciousness. The woman was thrown off her cot and onto the ground. With a sudden mental flash, she realized that she could *feel* the magical power active in the town. The force didn't affect the woman as it had Harlukia. Instead of blasting her across the room, it gave her just enough of a jolt to knock her off her cot. She slowly stood and began walking over to Harlukia. Was it really him? Just before she got there, she was hit by what felt disturbingly like a bed pan to the head and passed out as well. Behind her, Alicia grinned before attempting to leave the room. There was a bit of a problem with that, however. The doors were locked. Alicia screamed the scream of the frustrated. The time was 4:20 a.m. =============== [September 30, 2001. 3:57 a.m. Entrance to Coltrane Park.] "Er," began Johnny Basquain, "guys?" Karen and Charlie Hopewell looked from the enormous spider hanging above them to the man standing next to them. The sheer fear in their eyes told Johnny enough. "I suggest that we run." With that, Johnny took off, dashing under the spider. It took Karen and Charlie no time at all to follow him. The spider dropped down from the tree and gave chase. They ran for what seemed like ages. As they ran farther and farther into the park, the light dimmed to nearly nothing. They finally stopped to regroup. Karen and Charlie, used to a rigorous workout regimen, had nearly no trouble at all with the dash. Johnny, on the other hand, couldn't seem to catch his breath. "Johnny?" Karen asked. "Yeah?" Johnny managed to gasp out. "What?" "Didn't you say that you ran track in high school?" Shit, Johnny thought. *Damn* her memory. "Yeah, but that was years ago. I must have gotten out of shape or something." He laughed nervously while Karen looked at him suspiciously. Something wasn't adding up. Before she could say anything, Johnny spoke up. "Guys?" asked Johnny. "Did Coltrane Park always have these ferns?" Johnny pointed at a fern that was roughly six feet tall. Charlie and Karen looked at each and shrugged. The park around them was an image directly out of the Amazon rain forest. Tall trees formed a canopy over their heads, monkeys moved about in the tops of trees, and various forms of small snakes crawled over the ground. "When I went jogging last weekend," said Karen, "none of this was here. In fact, there should have been a footpath directly in front of the entrance." She shivered slightly. "I know for *sure* that there were no giant spiders. I *hate* those." Charlie walked over and rubbed her arm affectionately. "Hey sis," he said, "it's okay. Remember that time when you were fifteen and we had all those spiders in the house? That was pretty funny," he chuckled. If looks could kill, Karen would have been guilty of first degree murder. "No that wasn't," she said. "That was horrible." "I remember when you woke up one morning and there was a spider on your bed and you screamed *so* loud and-" "Charlie! C'mon. Now is not the time for this. We can reminisce later on-" "And that one time when you walked around for nearly a day with a spider in your-" "Charlie! Look, stop that!" said Karen. Charlie just continued on, reminiscing madly. She looked to Johnny for help, but he simply grinned and shrugged. "Remember that one day I put that rubber spider down your shirt?" "Chuck, stop it! We're in a jungle that appeared out of *nowhere*, we're surrounded by *spiders*, Alicia has been kidnapped by some Renaissance Fair *reject* and you're remembering the *good* *times*?" "Come to think of it," mused Johnny, "that's not such a bad idea." "You be quiet!" said Karen. Unseen by them all, a pair of yellow eyes watched this exchange. Cold malice shone brightly, along with something... more. =============== [September 30, 2001. 4:25 a.m. Main Street New Haven Metro] The Vatican Operations Group was traveling along the streets of New Haven in the dead of night. They were following the strange shadow that had appeared over City Hall. Suddenly, the shadow made an abrupt dive for the earth and disappeared below ground. The van screeched to a halt. The three priests stepped out. Father Bruno grabbed the trunk holding their weapons and dragged it out of the back of the van. "Well," said Father Edgewood. "Now what?" Archbishop Luccini simply pointed down the road at a sign. The sign read 'New Haven Metro.' "Oh." The V.O.G. began walking towards the metro. "That... that thing that came out of City Hall? What was it, Archbishop Luccini?" asked Edgewood. Luccini coughed wetly and spat. "That was a geistenkinder. The spirit children. There are certain magic spells that can lock the souls of human beings in buildings. When they are released-" "Magic doesn't exist," interrupted Edgewood. "It's against God's Will." "Then why is it written, 'Suffer not a witch to live?'" Edgewood had no retort to that. "How do you know all this, sir?" asked Father Bruno. "There is more in my theology, kind Bruno," responded Luccini with a wry grin. "than exists in your Heaven and Earth." Bruno and Luccini chuckled. "It's getting darker..." mumbled Father Edgewood. He looked up at the sky to gauge the moonlight, and shouted in shock. He pointed skyward at the slowly growing bubble. "What is *that*?!" Both Bruno and Luccini looked upward. All three priests crossed themselves. "It's a sign," said Bruno. "A sign from God." Luccini gave Bruno a withering stare. "Don't be foolish," he said. "God does not use darkness. He uses pillars of fire in the desert." Luccini pointed up. "*That* is clearly of evil origin." Edgewood cleared his throat and said, "Well, didn't He create the earth out of darkness?" "Quiet!" retorted Luccini. "That is irrelevant. Stop being so belligerent. You should feel privileged to be on this mission. This darkness-" An explosion cut off Luccini's sentence. All three turned around to see a shambler standing in the wreck of their ruined van. Before their very eyes, three more shamblers grew up from the shadow that the bubble cast. "What in-?" Father Bruno reacted quickly and threw a vial of Holy Water at one. The shambler would have been offended if it could be said to have emotions. Instead, it was simply wet. It slowly trudged out of the wreckage and towards the priests. Luccini held a cross in his left hand and a gold- plated gun in the other. He shot the first shambler three times, and had the decency to look surprised when nothing at all happened. "But," he said, "these bullets were blessed! What's going on?" He aimed again, but missed when Edgewood grabbed his arm. "Run!" shouted Edgewood. He ran off towards the metro entrance, followed by Luccini. Bruno lagged slightly behind, carrying the weapons trunk. "Rache," said a child's voice. "Rache!" There was a quiet laugh afterwards which quickly faded in the noise of the night. It was the laugh of a child. =============== [September 30, 2001. 4:15 a.m. Coltrane Park.] Karen, Charlie, and Johnny slowly trekked through the tangled jungle of Coltrane Park. They were certain that they were being followed by something, but the only clue was an odd tapping sound somewhere behind them. Johnny was a veritable hotbed of paranoia. Every couple of minutes he would stop the group and look around the area, searching for something. He would jump at every noise and he nearly blew the head off a raven that happened to cross their path. "Johnny," said Charlie at one of these stops, "is there something wrong? You seem kind of... jumpy, I guess." Johnny looked at Charlie in shock. "We're being chased by *giant* spiders, Charlie!" Karen jumped at the spider-image again. "Stop that Karen. Charlie, we're in a crisis situation here. We could *die* at any minute. There are monsters rampaging around town, who knows *what* following us, and I swear I saw a *damn* undead *chicken* somewhere back there! I have *ample* reason to be jumpy." Charlie thought for a moment and said, "You weren't this jumpy near City Hall. Do you-" "Charlie," interrupted Karen, "stop it. It doesn't matter. We just need to get to Kramer's and we can hash this all out." So, the trio continued on their way. After a couple more minutes of walking, Charlie spoke again. "Is it just me, or is it getting darker? I can barely see two feet in front of me." Almost as if to prove his point, Charlie walked directly into an eight foot tall stone man. He let out a 'yow!' of surprise as he fell to the ground. Johnny pulled his gun and shot the statue four times before he realized what it actually was. "Dammit," said Johnny. "I'm wasting bullets. What the hell is that thing?" "It looks like a statue of Stephan Carroll, founder of New Haven," said Karen. She stopped for a moment to help Charlie up. "But, if it's here, then Coltrane Park picnic area should be just ahead. It's hard to tell with all these plants. These most definitely were *not* here last weekend." "Tell me about this picnic area," said Johnny. "What's it like?" "Well, it isn't so much a picnic area than a wide open area. There should be a clearing with tables and things, but considering how overgrown this part is now, I wouldn't be surprised if the picnic clearing is a jungle, too." Johnny looked around the group for a minute, and then headed in the direction of the picnic area. Behind them, the yellow eyes watched and waited. Johnny finally pushed through to the picnic area, Karen and Charlie close behind him. What they stunned them. The entire area was covered in thick, ropy vines. The vines covered the few apple trees that were in the park before the disaster and a few of those trees had already collapsed under the vines' weight. Butterflies as large as footballs fluttered around the clearing, feeding on flowers that cleared at least three feet. Huge foxes dashed about the clearing, chasing rabbits that were as big as small dogs. It was as if everything had grown in size overnight. "Shit!" said Johnny. "This is wrong. This looks like-" "Wow," interrupted Karen. "This is really different." "Yeah," added Charlie. He turned around to gaze at the clearing in its entirety. "It's beautiful in its own apocalyptic, calm before the storm kind of way." "Twisted, but still pretty," concluded Karen. "This place looks pretty safe. Let's find a place to rest." She began to walk around the clearing, searching for some place to sit. She ended up finding a small stone bench that was nearly with vines. Both Karen and Charlie sat down and took a breather, much to Johnny's chagrin. He looked around worriedly before hurrying over to the bench. "No!" said Johnny. He unsucessfully tried to pull Charlie up from the bench. "No, no, no. We have to leave, now. This is the worst possible place to be. No matter where else we go, there is no worse place to be in all of New Haven." "Johnny," said Charlie, "what's going on? I mean, look at this place. It's beautiful. What could possibly go wrong here?" Johnny simply facepalmed. Disaster, it has been noted, has a hell of a sense of humor. Fortune, on the other hand, is a sadistic bastard. As soon as Johnny finished his sentence, a large, overgrown spider crawled out of the forest about twenty feet in front of the group. To make matters worse, about fifteen more came crawling out behind it. Just to be sure that things were bad enough, Fortune added two Kodiak bears, three tigers, and a hairy man walking beside a rather large jet black panther. "Well," said Johnny, "*shit*." Fortune, pleased with itself, went off to have coffee with Disaster. Karen and Charlie turned to run, only to find five more spiders standing behind them. Karen's scream was cut off when a spider shot her in the face with a bit of silky webbing. Her eyes went wide as the spider quickly wrapped her up. Karen let out a muffled scream of fright before fainting. Karen *really* hated spiders. Charlie, on the other hand, put up more of a fight. He managed to shoot one spider. The ichor that oozed from the spider's wound was a blackish green, and steamed slightly in the nighttime air. The spider screamed in a high-pitched vocie and stabbed a foreleg at Charlie. It missed him and hit a tree. The tree, already weakened by the weight of the vines covering it, fell. It fell with a resounding crash, and crushed three of the spiders in the process. However, before Charlie had time to realize his victory, he was webbed up and gagged by two other spiders. Johnny, on the other hand, was otherwise occupied. The tigers and panther had him cornered and the furry man was slowly advancing on him. The man was covered in a light grey fur. His eyes were shaped like snake's eyes and were a sickly shade of yellow. The eyes glowed with a pale light, making the man's face that much easier to see. His long fangs were bared between thin lips, and his facial hair was exactly that. Facial hair. His face was covered in the same fur that was all over the rest of his body. His hair was similar to a lion's mane, windswept backwards and very long. He flexed his hands and long silvery claws slipped out from the tips of his fingers. He leapt over the ring of cats surrounding Johnny and landed noiselessly. He stepped forward, getting directly into Johnny's face, sniffing wildly. Jebdorn looked up at the night sky and howled, spraying spit all over Johnny's face. Johnny just whimpered and nearly wet his pants. =============== [September 30, 2001. 4:35 a.m.] The Vatican Operations Group had stopped running about one hundred feet into the metro. The surroundings were remarkably different from what they were expecting. Instead of the polished, shiny tiling that most metro stations had, the walls were covered in a kind of porous stone substance that smelled of brimstone. Even these walls were covered in graffiti. One inscription read 'H-A-S- T-U-R! Say it outloud!' Another said 'What Would Samael Do?' Still another said 'Call Lilith for a fun time! 666-0000.' The once technologically impressive ticket machines had been turned into alcohol dispenser. Most of the drinks had names like 'Sudden Death,' 'Bloody Mary,' and 'Beelzebubweiser.' All in all, it was a thoroughly frightening place. "What *is* this place?" said Father Bruno. "It reeks of Hell." Bruno crossed himself for what must have been the fifteenth time since entering the metro. Father Edgewood merely looked around warily, muttering to himself. Luccini had opened an ancient Bible and was reading a few passages. Out of nowhere, a young kid tapped Edgewood on his shoulder. Edgewood screamed like a little girl, causing the other to clergymen to scream as well. Eventually, they all calmed down and looked at the boy. He was wearing stained blue jeans, a white t-shirt with a Metallica logo. He couldn't have been more than eight years old. "Heya, mister?" asked the kid. "Are you a priest?" Bruno and Edgewood both looked to Luccini for guidance. He simply nodded. "That's good," said the boy. "I think we need a priest." Bruno knelt down next to the boy and rubbed his shoulder. "What's wrong child? How did you get down here?" "We ran down here as soon as we got out." "We? Who do you mean? Do you have any friends down here? And where did you get out from?" "City Hall," said the kid. He grinned crazily. "And my friends are right behind me." Children of various ages stepped out of the shadows behind the kid. A few were dressed in the stereotypical pilgrim garments, while others wore little sailor suits. More wore modern clothes with various corporate logos emblazoned over the front of their shirts. "No," said Father Bruno. "Yes," said the kid. "Rache." "GEISTENKINDER!" shouted Luccini. "Bruno, MOVE!" =============== [September 30, 2001. 4:30 a.m. Basement of New Haven Hospital.] Alicia sat in a corner, frustrated. She had locked the woman into a storage closet, and shut Harlukia into one of the drawers that held dead bodies. The problem was, she still didn't know how to get out. The doors were locked, and everything that Alicia threw at them merely bounced back, bent or broken. Then, the door to the drawer which Harlukia was locked in was knocked off the wall. =============== [Author's Notes.] Whew. Never, *ever*, let me near a series that includes both horror and humor. It's always a bad idea. Hopefully, this chapter didn't turn out too bad. It began really really dark, but I hope that it lightened up a bit. Geistenkinder translates directly from the German as 'spirit children' and rache means 'revenge.' Thanks to (no particular order): Mark Poa- for pointing out the sheer lack humor in an earlier draft, suggestions, and prereading. t.ogre- for prereading, suggestions, and a better name for the geistenkinder than what I had come up with. Mr. Brad Smith- for prereading, even though he knows nothing about the series. He gave me a bit of a second opinion, an outsider's view. A.o.D.- for info on all things Lovecraftian King in Yellow- for info on all things Lovecraftian Everyone else who replied to my message board thread about magic systems Thomas Wilde and James Howard- for creating this series. Well, that's that. Silent Hill plus The Lost Boys plus Land of the Lost equals New Haven Scene 1-5. Hope you like. black dub the maladjusted. fearofbloodtendstocreatefearfortheflesh.fearofbloodtendstocreatefear