Kyo Kusanagi and the remains of his defeated forces tumbled through space. Soon the air supply in their space suits would be gone and they would be forgotten and replaced by Blackheart without so much as a memorial. The stockholders would divide up Kusanagi Enterprises and probably sell out to Heihachi or one of the other Evil Corporate Groups. Kyo was too weak to properly express his anger, and too short on air to waste his breath on Armor King, Shang Tsung, Goro and Scorpion. As he drifted through space contemplating the unfairness of it all and how he'd love a chance for revenge, he noticed something approaching from the darkness of space. "ssssss...k-k..kyooooo," said a distorted, feminine electronic voice in his earphone. The muted sound of something vaguely resembling a siren began to wail in the background as the voice continued in a deeper, yet faster-speaking tone. "kyo kukusanagi. Kusanagi! GI! GI!" Kyo used what minute fuel he had left in his thrusters to stop tumbling and get a clearer look at the object approaching him. It was two huge spaceships linked together, covered in swarming spider-like repair droids attempting to remove the husk of a gigantic space worm wrapped around them. Kyo forced himself to speak even though his throat was screaming from the lack of water. "Who said that?" he croaked into the suit-mike. The warbling in the electronic voice ceased for a moment and it spoke with frightening authority. "I AM SHODAN." The voice split up again, half-heard fragments of phrases mumbled in the background, as if the entity were trying to express multiple schizophrenic thoughts at once. "I have-have-HAVE sssummoned you to me for a pu-purpose, helpless meat-thing." The phrase "destroy huuuman cities destroy human cities desssss-krk!" played in the background. Kyo sneered as best he was able. "Listen, lady," he rasped, "Nobody summons Kyo Kusanagi." "Your pathETIC liEs aRe-are-R-R as t-t-ransparent as your all-liance with Blackheart on Earth." Kyo's blood froze in his veins. "HowÉdid you know about that?" "N-nothing hides from the magNIFicent compuputerized sentience that that is SHODAN," said the AI, it's voice shifting into rapid high pitch again. "I shall give you a chance sssss at revenge against your foes. In X-change you yeeeew muSSST dessstroy the Elemental Spirits, four 4 for they are the one thing, the ONLY thing, that can stand in my way." "THAT again? And just what are you going to give me to do that, SHODAN? Assuming I even accept your offer," said Kyo, crossing his arms. "Y-your bargaining posture is highly d-dubious. But ph34r not. I shall give you a new, more pow-powerful body, and n-new troops to command." "And?" "And nothing! You belong to me now, puppet..." Kyo's anger flared. "I belong to NOBODY!" he screamed at the approaching ship. "V-v-e-r-y well. Y-your eyeball grease shall make use-ful-ful blade wax for my cyborgs." The Von Braun's tractor beam shot out and took hold of Kusanagi and his underlings. "No, wait! I accept your terms! I accept! I--arrrrrgh!" "Ex-cellllleeeeent," purred the insane computer. The Von Braun's warp engines hummed to life, distorting space and time around it. The distortion wave hit Kusanagi and he felt the very reality of his body being shifted, his flesh transforming into a cyborg body. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the same happening to the others. "Behold! Youareareareyouare you are now Major Kusanagi! And t-these shall be your minionnnnns." Goro's extra arms vanished and his skin took on a silvery sheen. "P. Jack, the Strong." Scorpion's face became unmasked and his limbs got bulkier, covered in hanging wires and grafted armor plates. "Rax, the Champion." Armor King's already-powerful body transformed further, the emblem for "Bad-Ass Cyborg" appearing on the back of his spacesuit. "Cyber-Akuma, the Destroyer." Shang Tsung remained as he was. "And Shang Tsung." "Laaaaame!" yelled Shang Tsung. "And how come Armor King's Cyber-Akuma? He wasn't even Regular-Akuma!" A smaller spacecraft sped out of the Von Braun's shuttle bay and maneuvered close to the warriors, scooping them up except for Kusanagi. "I swear, I shall destroy all the Elemental Spirits and those who possess them!" declared Kusanagi, startled at the new, higher pitch of his voice. He looked down at his chest. "Wait. I'm not supposed to be THAT Major Kusanagi, am I? NOOOOOOO!!!" [---] Kyo woke up from his nap on his desk with a snort. "Dammit, I had that dream again!" Yuki poked her head in through the door. "There's someone here to see you again, sweetie. Someone named 'Blade.'" "WHICH Blade?" "The one with cool sunglasses." "Yuki, I can think of at least three Blades with cool sunglasses." "Uhh...the black one?" "ARGH!" [---] Forgot About Jae Chapter 37: Restless Dreams Forgot About Jae created from tinfoil and toothpicks by Shelby Scott, aka Darkheart One This chapter scribed with genuine bird quills by J.P. Chabot [---] Last time on Forgot About Jae: - Boy howdy, there sure were a lot of naked girls. - Violence Unlimited is no longer lost in time and space. - Poison saved the day! Wow, I think that's the first time shi's actually done something. The rest of Violence Unlimited got even less screen time than shi did. - But considering we had clothesless Poison, that may be a good thing. - Jae fought the ultimate battle for his life against a dark future version of his brother, but thankfully, it was all an illusion by bumbling schemer Quan Chi. - Eiji Kisaragi answered even more email. Including one about how to draw Yoshimitsu the Chopinator! - Battlerman had best beware, for a new villain walks the streets. Jax IS the Scarebro! [---] Cracker Jack tossed and turned in his sleep. He mumbled something about kneecaps and groaned loudly. Then he shot up out of his chair, screaming, "Get your hands off my Mark McGuire, Casey Jones!" Poison stopped filing hir nails and blinked at him. Cracker Jack recovered from the nightmare and thumped his fist angrily on his desk. "Dammit, I had that dream again! And it was about a signed McGuire BAT, Poison." Even though they weren't very visible, shi could feel his eyes burning into hir. "Actually, CJ, it's funny you should mention that," said Poison. "I've been having a recurring nightmare too. Come to think of it, I think Fuuma was mentioning something like this happening to him as well." "That's right!" said the potted plant next to Poison. "I dreamed I was being beaten up by a two-dimensional dog and a onion-headed martial arts master in a rap video." Fuuma crawled out from under the floor mat on the opposite side of the office from the potted plant. "My worst fear come to life." "Weird," said CJ. "Hey, Hugo, have you been having a recurring dream lately?" "HRRRGGRMPHLR," said the hulk. "Yeah, I can't blame you for not really caring since we dragged you out of that living nightmare with those twins," said CJ, scratching his chin. "Driver? How about you?" The Driver gave a sheepish nod. He had been dreaming he was starring in some kind of interactive version of the movie "The Italian Job," only with E. Honda being delivered in the trunk. "Well, fuck it. If we're ALL having recurring dreams of some kind it can't be a coincidence. We got any people who mess around with the supernatural on the rolodex, Poison?" "One sec..." Jae and his Nameless Everpresent Girlfriend walked into the room. Jae started to speak but got cut off by CJ. "You been having any recurring dreams lately, Jae?" asked the boss. Jae closed his mouth, opened it again when NEG tickled him, then closed it. Finally he sorted himself out and spoke. "Well, not exactly, but I had this really disturbing prophetic dream where I fought my brother who had become Dr. Doom's replacement or something, which is-" "Close enough," said CJ. "Poison?" "Give me a fucking minute to check, CJ! You've got a lot of kneecappers and commandos and heavies in here but not a whole lot of tarot card readers or whatever-the-hell it is we want." "Well, CJ, I've been meaning to ask you," asked Jae. "Spit it out, boy," "Well, in the interest of pursuing justice and truth, I'd like to follow up on Dr. Doom and see if he really is training my brother to be a little him." "Doom? Oh, come on, boy. You still haven't fully paid me for the last time you hired us out, and there's not enough money in the world that would make me want to take him on." Jae's mouth, much more accustomed to displaying his father's shining smile, began to pout and quiver. "But what if it's true? If Dong turns to evil my family's honor would--" "Kid, sit down," said CJ. As if to make Jae feel more relaxed he put both his own feet up on his desk. "There's something you need to understand about evil supervillains. First off, they're losers." "That's right!" said Jae. This is something he liked talking about, good prevailing. "Thanks to the efforts of shining champions of virtue who don't stop to give evil a second chance-" "No, no no no," said CJ. "Sure, once in a while a guy like Doom will stop brooding in his castle for a month or so and come up with a dangerous, evil plan, but mostly he just sits around all alone. So your dumbass brother is probably just learning new ways to be a slacker." Jae considered that for a moment. It seemed pretty fitting for Dong. "And sometimes they don't even need heroes or defenders of justice or whatever to stop them. Like last Christmas, when we stuck out our necks to save Sumo Santa. We spend weeks lost in time and space and meanwhile he rescues himself. There are whole organizations like that..." [---] Somewhere, inside an ornate, fantastic castle, in a darkened room, mysterious and evil figures sat around a round table. A woman in black robes with horns and pale green skin spoke. "The meeting of the Legion of Evil will now come to order! I have gathered here together some of the most fiendish minds in all the universe with the goal of destroying do-gooders everywhere, leaving us in control. The crafty sorcerer, Jafar!" Jafar pointed his staff at a chandelier and disintegrated it. "The, uh...gambling Mr. Oogie-Boogie!" The bug-filled burlap sack chortled and threw dice on the table, which came up skull-faced snake eyes and exploded. "The powerful and, er, smarmy god of the dead, Hades!" The god smoothed his flame-hair and flicked off tiny flames from his fingers, lighting his part of the table on fire. "The rapier wit and razor-sharp claw of Captain Hook!" Captain Hook raked his hook on the table, leaving a deep gouge. "And Ursu-GOD DAMN IT!" shouted Malificent, the leader. "Do you think we could go through one simple roll call without destroying stuff? Hey, Captain Hook! When I said 'razor-sharp claw' that doesn't mean you need to show me. I already know!" At "razor-sharp claw" Captain Hook scratched the table again. Malificent's eyes glowed green with rage. "How are we supposed to take over the multiverse when we can't even take care of our own fucking furniture?!?" [---] "So I don't think you need to worry, kid," concluded CJ. "I still don't feel good about it," said Jae. The Driver got off the office couch and decided to see if his buddy 8-Ball had finished "customizing" his latest car in the parking lot. He opened the hallway doors and was a bit puzzled at the unseasonably thick fog outside. His car was there, but 8-Ball wasn't. The Driver checked under the car. The timer was there but the explosives hadn't been placed yet. Strange. 8-Ball never did a job halfway and always took everything he needed in one trip. If he had needed to go to the restroom he would have gone inside Violence Unlimited, but he wasn't in there. The Driver got in the car and turned on the radio. For a few seconds it was silent, then it buzzed static loudly. He flipped impatiently through the frequencies but they were all the same. He almost didn't notice the hideous humanoid lump of flesh walking out of the mist until it smashed its melted-looking limb through the passenger window, grasping at him and making horrifying slurping and gasping noises. [---] At a converted firehouse deep in the trashy area of downtown Southtown, the Ghostdusters sat around their dinner table in the snack room, eating Chinese food. "To our first customer!" said Luigi, raising his can of soda. "To our first and only customer," said Yuna. She took a long swig from her soda can as well. "You know, business sure isn't booming as much as I thought it would be." "It seems that those four ghosts were the only real ghost problem Southtown's been having for the past few years," said Miku, resting her head on one hand while twirling her chopsticks in the other. "I thought for sure with all the incidents with them we'd be facing a supernatural onslaught but those four were just 'repeat offenders.'" "Maybe we should branch out, y'know?" said Yuna. "Go on to zombie slaying or something? My healing spells work great against the undead!" Miku just sighed and bit off the top of a won ton. [---] Downstairs, secretary Cham-Cham was busy getting ready to go home when the phone rang. Shifting her boomerang to her free paw she picked up the receiver. "What's that? Oh. We don't really handle say they're not zombies? What? Lots of fog? Oh, we handle other supernatural phenomena too, and if we can't handle it, we give you your money back and refer you to who can, guaranteed. Yes. Yes, oh, they'll be totally discreet in the matter. Yes. Okay, I've got the address. Great! Bye!" She slammed down the receiver and screamed as loud as she could. "WE'VE GOT ONE!" She punched the Fire Alarm button. [---] The Ghostdusters looked at each other for a second, then bolted into action. Yuna grabbed her staff, holy water and dancing shoes. Miku snatched her camera bag and spiritual exposure meter and jammed extra film, herbal essence and spirit stones into her pockets. Luigi strapped on his vacuum cleaner, checked to see his flashlight had fresh batteries, and grabbed a plunger and a Fire Flower just to be safe. One after another, the Ghostdusters slid down the fire pole into the garage, where their car, the SPECTRO-1, awaited fueled and serviced. [---] "Aaah! What *are* these things?" said Poison, emptying a clip into a massive bulk of flesh wearing a polka-dotted shirt. "Did these used to be people?" Jae finished off another monstrosity with a rapid series of flaming kicks. "I don't know, but I'm pretty sure they're evil, and they sure are ugly!" Violence Unlimited had retreated deeper into their building after the Driver escaped back to the main office, only to find more of the monsters already wandering the halls. Since the monsters took so many bullets, bludgeons to the head or flaming kicks to kill, even with their superior ass-kicking abilities Violence Unlimited was quickly becoming outnumbered by the nightmares. "I don't know about you," said CJ, pausing to beat the lump where he thought the head of a beast was, "but I'm starting to get pissed off. If I find out someone was behind this..." [---] It was a dark place. The walls were ancient, crumbling concrete covered in dozens of unidentifiable stains. The floor was a rusty metal grating. Beneath that, as far as any person could see in the dim light, was nothing but darkness. A lone figure sat on a throne at one end of the room. The figure had long black hair and a rather beautiful face, and wore voluminous robes with big shoulder pads. In front of the figure was an enthusiastic young woman. She raised her right hand in salute and shouted at the top of her lungs, "HAAAAAIL, SAMAEL!" "Whip, this world is corrupt," said the seated figure. "In order to-" "Samael, Samael, Samael!" screamed Whip. "Lord Samael's the greatest! Lord Samael's the TOPS! We're all zeros and Samael's number ONE! If I were-" The seated figure pulled a rope and the grating gave way beneath Whip, who tumbled into darkness. [---] It was a dark place. The walls were.... I've done this before. You get the picture. It's the same place. Only spooookier. The seated figure spoke again. "Whip, the time is drawing near when I shall truly be able to rise again. Already nightmares and dreams are becoming more powerful. Soon people will be unable to distinguish the nightmares of their sleep with the horror of reality, and I will be able to truly cross over into the physical world." "YAHOOO!" yelled Whip, not entirely aware of what had just been said. She leaped forward and gave the seated figure a great big bear hug. "Yaaay, everything's gonna be super! And then it'll just...spiffo-tacular! And...wait, your chest..." Whip pulled open the overcloak on the seated figure and noticed a couple of extra things she didn't expect to see there. "Lord Samael's a woman? Wow, I never would have guessed!" "Of course I am, you buffoon! I got summoned into this body by those cultists, didn't I?" "Wow, I'd have never guessed!" said Whip. "I suppose there are layers to everyone nobody sees! The dermis, the hypodermisÉ" The seated figure slapped a hand over her face. "When I decided to use my power to twist your weak will to my control, I don't think I considered it would make you ludicrously stupid and wacky." Whip just nuzzled the seated figure some more. "It's time for you to wake up, Whip. The Ikari Warriors need you." "Aww, already?" "Yes. You won't remember a thing until I truly become real and take over this world." Whip giggled incessantly. "Then againÉI'm not sure I even need to bother blanking your memory." "Hee hee hee!" [---] Jennifer Simpson tossed in her bed fitfully. Then she woke up with a bloodcurdling scream. "What is it, honey? What's wrong?" asked her lover. "I...I had that dream again," sobbed Jennifer. "ScissormanÉafter me. With those giant scissors of his, clang, clang clang! And I can't get away from him, and he won't stop no matter how many things I throw at him, and he gets closer, still snapping the scissors, and then he puts them around my neck and..." She broke down into a new round of sobs and whimpers. "Shhh, there there. Scissorman's gone. You're safe with me now." Jennifer sniffed. "Thank you. I donÕt know what I'd do without you, Cutsman." [---] To be continued! [---] Author's Notes: Well, darn it all, it again wasn't as long as I wanted it to be, but I think I like the result. Since we've turned one running gag into a major plot point (the girls-getting-naked thing) I decided to see what happened if we did the same with the "I had that dream again!" gag. Major Kusanagi is the cyborg main character of "Ghost in the Shell," which was a pretty good Playstation game, so I figured she was fair game for reference here. SHODAN's from the excellent System Shock games, if you didn't know, and the three Blades are Blade the Vampire Hunter, Blade the guy from the future in Eternal Champions, and Blade the super cop from the game SIN. The SIN Blade isn't black, but he does wear cool sunglasses! I really wanted to factor the Scarebro into this chapter but I couldn't think of a way, so instead we have more Ghostdusters. Right now it's vaguely Miku = Egon, Luigi = Peter, Yuna = Ray, but this is by no means a guideline, it's just how I've worked most of the gags. Next up is Blackdub. I eagerly await it! J.P. Chabot