On a plane to Miami, Florida, two oni relaxed in their chairs and enjoyed their newfound freedom. One was a blue, behemoth, ogre-like creature with an iron ball and chain. The other looked like a human without skin, wearing a colorful and stupid looking mask and a metal club for a hand. They were both wearing clean, white 3-piece suits that looked more comedic than dapper. Especially since the smaller one was festering with flies and locusts. The gigantic Moloch laughed. "This time we really free!" "Yup," Drahmin agreed. "Freedom awesome!" "And all that money for ordering pizza, too!" "It went too well." Moloch smiled. "When me lied about watching Quan's fortress while he gone, he couldn't give me enough pizza money!" "Quan Chi is such chump. He too naïve." "Yeah! What idiot!" Drahmin laid back. "We just lay back in Miami for little bit." "If me see Quan Chi's dumb face again, it be too soon! Ha ha!" "You said it." While the two oni beasts laughed, a voice came from behind them. "Dumb face, you say? I don't get the joke." Moloch and Drahmin immediately sweatdropped and shook with fear. "Uh oh!" they both yelled. "Quan," Drahmin started, "great to see you." "My flight to Outworld was cancelled. I have to make a stopover at Miami." "Great," the oni duo muttered. "On the way back home, remind me to stop by South Town Video. I have some movies I need to rent." Moloch started tearing up. "No! Not 'Ninja Mime' starring Johnny Cage!" "Just for that, I'm tossing in 24 Karate Gold. Is that enough or do you want a Johnny Cage movie marathon? I'm sure I can pick up The Gist of My Fist while I'm at it." Moloch and Drahmin pouted. [---] Battler Man woke up in a drunken stupor. "I had that dream again... Wait, I mean I had *a* dream." "Sir," the bartender said while poking him. "It's your turn." "My what?" "Your turn, sir." "What... are we playing quarters?" "No, it's your turn to play that dancing game." Battler Man rubbed his eyes. "I... I never danced a day in my life." "Well you better start now, sir. Your opponent finished up two minutes ago." "...opponent?" "Yes, the Smoker. He lasted about ten seconds before losing his breath and passing out. Too much smoking, I guess." "Oh." Battler Man tried to widen his eyes. He saw a colorful blur across the room that spun back and forth. He stumbled to his feet and swayed in its direction. But not before leaving a tip to the bartender. "Sir, this isn't money. This is a..." he read the label, "Battler Exploitive Yellow Penalty Flag. Oh, wait. I read that wrong. It's a Battler Explos--" *BOOM!* "All right, what am I supposed to do here?" he asked nobody in particular. "You're supposed to step on those arrows when they appear on the screen," somebody said back. Battler Man looked at the list of songs and slowly held his finger across the buttons. "I'll... I guess I'll take this one." "Are you sure?" the employee asked. "That's one of the hardest songs on there. It's Catastrophic!" "Just turn on the jukebox, jerk." Battler Man stumbled upon the DDR pad. "If you say so. Here goes nothing." The employee pressed several buttons and the screen displayed the new song accompanied by a dancer, mimicking Battler Man's drunken action. The song started. The Smoker smiled. There was no way Battler Man could keep up with him. Smoker knew he had two left feet. But then he heard a campy guitar rhythm. After a moment of listening to the surfer rock music, realization of what song it was finally kicked in to the Cowboy Prince of Crime. "This should be interesting." o/~ Dananananananana Battler! Danananananananana Battler! BATTLER! BATTLER! Battler! o/~ On the monitor, Battler Man could make out the wave of arrows about go through the cursor. He and everyone else in the bar fully expected him to fall on his face and lose horribly, letting his team down. But then something extraordinary happened... Some said that it was from the alcohol. Some said it was a power he always had deep inside. And some even claimed that it was divine intervention. Who knows? Maybe it was more than one. Battler Man began to sway his arms from side to side. His hands slowly rose to his face. He stroked his fingers over the right side of his face, followed by stroking the left side. Then he lifted up his forearm and stroked his fingers down them. After repeating with the other forearm, he returned to stroking his face. But during all of this, his legs were tapping the buttons at amazing speeds, doing combinations that went against the laws of physics. While his top half was sluggish, his bottom half was a blur. Kinda like that one jeans commercial. The Smoker looked at the amazing dance steps of his arch-nemesis. He had been defeated by Battler Man in many ways. Sometimes with fists, sometimes with gadgets, and sometimes from just shooting himself in the face. But this time he lost to the Battler-tusi. [---] FORGOT ABOUT JAE Chapter 30: Cracker Jack of Hearts Story picked from your pocket by Shelby Scott, the Darkheart One. Chapter rocked like a hurricane by Gavin "Gavok" Jasper [---] Last time on Forgot About Jae - 2 vampires + 2 hairy fat guys + 2 military men + 1 persistent oni = lots and lots of bruises. - The Contest began. It's like the Secret Wars, but only it's not really a secret! - The Eternal Champion appeared in a fanfic, which happens once every seven years I believe. - Angel discarded her censor bar for something more conservative. - Geese Howard shared a scene with a giant statue of Blue Suede Goo. You don't know how long I've waited to say that. - For the second chapter in a row, Jae reunited with a family member. Sorry, but I don't plan on using his mom in this one. - Rock's descent into madness originally began when he changed his pants. Now we know that his hatred of Jae began when he needed to change his pants. [---] Dong Hwan found it weird that the Smoothie King was completely empty. But that didn't stop him from playing from the lone arcade machine, which featured the game Aggressors of Dark Kombat. He minded his own business, using his character against a basketball-playing Gary Coleman when he thought he saw a red blur behind him. Dong turned around to see nothing. He continued playing. During this, the big brawl between Dio Brando, Vanilla Ice, Chang Koehan, Garuda, Gordon Koehan-Heidern, Ralf Jones and Clark Steele had rolled back into the Smoothie King. Angel followed them, watching the fight for the entertainment value. Still wearing the loose pants of the late Geese Howard, she had to hold the waist with both hands in order to keep them up. "Excuse me," a voice said within the room. "I was wonder-- oof!" Chang's ball swing missed Garuda and knocked the red-clad shape across the shop. "I'd like to order a sund-- ow!" The World accidentally punched the red blur over Dong's shoulders after missing Clark. "Is there a line or wh--" "GALACTICA PHANTOM!" The red haze was launched again, bouncing around like a tennis ball. Finally he stood up, dusted himself off, and walked out the door. "Nuts to you guys, I'm late for poker anyway." Kim Dong Hwan ceased playing the arcade game, turned around and exclaimed, "FUUMA'S *BACK*!" Garuda sniffed and turned around. It and Dong Hwan commenced with ten seconds of eye contact and silence. "Your epidermis is untied," Dong told It. Garuda just advanced, slowly trying to corner Its Prey. Then It was conked on the head by an electric nightstick. Kim Dong Hwan exited with his hands in his pockets and casually fell into an open manhole. Garuda shook Its head and ran out the entrance, unsure of where the boy ran off to. Back inside, Dio called the World to punch Chang's head off. But before he could command it, Ralf let loose a series of flame-filled punches that knocked the vampire over the counter. He stood up to see Vanilla Ice's neck gripped by the powerhouse Gordon, who flexed into a grotesque mountain of muscle before uppercutting Ice into his master. Dio and Ice got to their feet to see that they were out-numbered. The Ikari Warriors didn't even lay a finger on Chang. "Why are you attacking us?" Dio asked in annoyance. "What have we done to you?" Clark straightened his cap. "The big guy is family. You mess with him, you mess with us." Vanilla Ice looked at the newcomer. "And you?" Gordon pointed his nightstick. "Don't you worry about me, Fabio." The pantsless vampire whispered to his master. "I fear there are too many. Maybe you should stop time and escape." "I can't. The oaf with the chains can stop time too." Dio saw Angel in the corner of his eye, getting bored. "Hold on, I think I have an idea. Get me two vanilla cones, quick." "Master Dio, this isn't the time to..." "Do it!" Still inside his Stand Cream, Vanilla Ice prepared two two-scoop vanilla cones and handed them to his master. "Hey, Angel! Catch!" Dio tossed the cones one at a time at the platinum- haired woman. Out of instinct, she snatched the first one out of the air with her right hand, and then caught the second one with her left. Without anything holding it up, Geese's hakama fell to the floor. And the eyes on the room were no longer on the vampire duo. Sure, there's a chance that Chang and Gordon were actually captivated by the ice cream, but let's not split hairs. Cream swallowed Vanilla Ice. "And awayyyyyy we go!" Looking away from Angel, he transformed into a ball and blasted through the wall, with Dio and the World following behind. Angel tried to find a place to put her ice cream cones. "Excuse me, but would any of you guys mind holding these?" Gordon stepped forward. "She's talking about the ice cream, doof," Ralf explained. "I know." [---] Poison held up hir beer. "D'arby, you made it! About fucking time." "Good to see you too, Poison. CJ, Hugo, um... I don't believe I know the fellow in the jacket." Hugo grunted. "Drrrrvrrr." "Ah. Nice to meet you, Mr. Driver." D'arby looked around. "So where is your gopher, Jake?" CJ blinked. "Who?" "You know, Jake. The guy who started working here fairly recently?" Poison lifted hir eyebrow. "You mean Jae?" "Yes, Jae." "What the fuck do you care about Jae?" "Well... it's nice to play against some new blood sometimes." The Driver pointed to the TV where Sentinel and Kreuzritter were going at it. "He's taking part in the Contest? Odd." D'arby didn't seem so concerned though. "Well, let's get started." "Hold on," Poison said. "Me and CJ need to get some more beers." Cracker Jack followed hir out the room. "That's right. But remember that I'm not playing. I can't gamble for shit." With CJ and Poison gone, D'arby pointed at the screen. "So I guess you're in support of Kreuzritter, right Hugo?" "Nrrrggh." "Really? Why not?" "Mmkjrmmnnlkbdd." "Yes, I guess he does make you Germans look bad. So you think Sentinel will win?" "Nnssntlwinnn." "Oh, you *know* Sentinel will win." "Btmllndllrsnnnt." "Heh. You would bet a million dollars on it. That's a lot of money, my overgrown friend. You must be confident. Would you even bet your soul?" Hugo shrugged. "Wwwtvrrr." "Good." [---] The almost two hour battle between American Sentinel and Kreuzritter was nothing but a long, vaguely exciting standstill. Sentinel's strength and speed could rarely get past Kreuzritter's strange and unpredictable powers over the elements. With only a few moments left, the two believed that the identity of the winner would be up to the Eternal Champion himself. But then Sentinel got the break he was looking for. Kreuzritter commanded the lava below to surround his enemy in a tornado. Sentinel spun around as the burning walls of liquid closed in on him. But he saw a part of the tornado's wall open up to show his opponent like a window opening. Despite it only happening for a split second, it was still long enough for the hero to zoom out of peril and deliver a monstrous punch directly to Kreuzritter's stomach. Time seemed to pause as everybody watching the fight held their bellies and groaned. The blow banished the evil German into a wall of black rock. He left an imprint of his likeness before collapsing and diving to the ground. Sentinel, with his cape blowing in triumph, stepped over to the struggling villain. "It's over, Kreuzritter." "Moo!" "Huh?" *crunch* Kreuzritter blinked. "Was I just saved by a falling *cow*?!" Somewhere else, Evil the Cat snickered while holding down a rope. "Told you he wasn't cow proof." [---] Hugo broke a chair in anger. Daniel J. only smiled. "That's too bad, Hugo. But a deal is a deal. Sorry, my friend." "Hrr?" Osiris, a Stand the size of Hugo, appeared and pulled the big man's soul out of his body. It then clapped its hands over the soul and flattened it into a poker chip featuring Hugo's likeness. Hugo's body hit the floor. The Driver pulled out a gun and aimed it at D'arby's head. "That isn't a nice first impression, now is it?" "What the fuck is going on in here?!" Poison screamed. "Would you like to play too, Poison?" "What did you do to Hugo, you son of a bitch?!" shi asked. "I simply stole his soul. It's just business. You of all people should understand that." CJ frowned. "What do you want with Hugo?" "It's not Hugo that I want, Jack. It's Jae. And I think you all would make some nice bargaining chips." "And what if I give Driver the directions to pull the trigger?" "Then I guess I would make your walls all messy, wouldn't I? But also you'd be short one living giant. If I die, he dies." "How do you know? You haven't died before, have you? What if killing you brings Hugo back?" "I... I just know, okay?" CJ nodded. "Driver, waste him." "No, wait!" Everyone looked at Poison. "I'll play for Hugo's soul." "Do you gamble your own soul, old friend?" "Yes." "GOOD!" [---] Back at the clock tower, Samus dodged more of Sigma's firepower. He didn't even have to try hard to chase her. Her incessant whining made it like shooting ducks in a barrel. "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Samus-chan doesn't like this! Waaaaa-- ah!" The final shout was of Samus Aran's true voice. "I can't take it anymore! Costume OFF!" The armor retracted, bringing her back to her tube-top and mini-skirt. She took a deep breath of relief. Sigma nodded. "Thank you." "I don't take it you can grant me a little head start for that?" Sigma sighed. "Fine. One minute." Samus hid behind a gear and took out a strange object that the mysterious Zero Mask gave her a week earlier. It was nothing more than a dusty lamp, but she was sure it would come in handy somehow. "Maybe this message on the bottom means something. First I just rub this dust off it... and... there we go. 'Made in China.' Well, that's a real help." Just then, a cloud of smoke exited the lamp and a muscular giant with a turban and curly mustache appeared. Despite his awesome presence, his legs were non-existent, represented by smoke. He crossed his arms and stared down at the curious Samus Aran. "YOU HAVE RELEASED ME FROM MY LAMP PRISON! I SHALL GRANT YOU THREE WISHES AND ONLY THREE WISHES! SO SAYS THE MYSTICAL GENIE OF THE LAMP... but you can call me Justin." "...Justin?" "Yeah, Justin. Justin Bailey's my full name. SO WHAT WILL BE YOUR FIRST WISH!?" "...Justin?" "Oh, shut up. Like your name is so great. I mean what kind of name is 'Samus'? Really. NOW WHAT WILL YOUR FIRST WISH BE... *snicker* ...SAMUS!?" "In order to use my powers to their full extent, I have to wear an armor fuku that makes me act like a completely annoying idiot, totally ruining my reputation as a badass bounty hunter. But when I revert back to normal, I can't actually fight." "SO YOUR WISH IS SO THAT YOU CAN FIGHT WITH FULL POWER WHILE KEEPING YOUR NORMAL MENTAL STATE?!" "Exactly!" "THEN IT SHALL BE DONE!" With a snap of Justin Bailey's finger, Samus's costume changed. Her arm- cannon was attached, but she felt fine. Then she noticed that it was a little colder. Looking down, she saw that she was clad in only a red, one-piece bikini. "Oh, now what the fuck!?" Justin shrugged. "What?" "What's with this getup!? I'm supposed to be a positive role model to woman all over the galaxy and you have me wearing *this*!?" "I think it looks nice on you." "You would. And why is my hair green?" "Makes me think of Christmas." "All right, asshole. For my second wish I want the powers and sane thinking from my first wish, but I want actual armor this time!" "THEN IT SHALL BE DONE!" With a snap of Justin's finger, Samus transformed once again. Content with being in armor, she looked into the reflection of a large and shiny metal gear. What she saw was a somewhat tight-fitting outfit with odd shoulder proportions. Strange spikes came out of the arms and she had a really goofy visor. That plus the mostly blue color made it an eyesore. Justin leaned on a wall. "Sooooo... thoughts?" "Give me the bikini back. This is plain hideous." "THEN IT SHALL BE DONE! THAT WAS WISH NUMBER THREE! I! AM! OUTTA HERE!" Justin Bailey snapped his fingers and vanished in a puff of smoke, leaving green-haired Samus to fend for herself. She looked at her costume again and sighed. "Well, at least I can dish out the punishment with a clear mind." *blast* Sigma looked down upon the smoking and unconscious Samus Aran. "But without armor you seem to have a hard time taking it. Oh, and also: time's up." [---] Ah, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. Such a beautiful melody. A truly timeless classic that had been graced upon us by one of the greatest composers to ever walk upon God's green earth. It was that song that was playing on the giant piano before the enormous Blue Suede Goo statue. And while Geese himself had to enjoy the lovely music, Zan had a hard time doing so. This was probably due to the fact that Geese was using Zan to play the tune by smashing his body on the appropriate keys like a rag doll. "This is very... OOF! ...not sexy." "Well if you want to look good, then allow me to show you a place where you'll be the most attractive one around." The grim martial artist picked up his enemy's ancestor and tossed him high into the air, directly at the statue's head. Zan's unconscious body became lodged in the left nostril. With his arms crossed upward, Geese bowed his head and said nothing more than, "Yabo." [---] The defeated Smoker looked over to Dr. Butler. "Yabo? What the hell does that even mean?" "Now, now," the caveman villain said. "I'm sure he meant to say Yabo dabo doo." "............*cough*" [---] Kim Kaphwan was a great fighter. No question. But he wasn't the best. Not by a long shot. And despite his faith in goodness and strong heart, he didn't have what it took to defeat the lord of the vampires. I mean, look at Dracula. He was able to get Frankenstein's monster and Death to work for him. The best Kim would ever get was a guy who resembled John "Earthquake" Tenta. After getting blasted back by a fireball, Kim's brain sprung to action with an idea that could take Drac down. It was a long shot, but it was his last resort. "Abracadabra." "You son of a--" With a poof, Dracula transformed into a bat. Well, it looked like a bat at least. By the way Kim manhandled it, one could argue that Dracula turned himself into a hacky sack. As much fun as that was, Kim needed to end the match quickly before the time was up. So he axe-kicked the little bugger down below, crossed his arms, smiled and finished him off. "Hocus pocus." Dracula went back to his vampire form and descended down the Pit, where he landed through a rusty spike. Luckily for him it wasn't wood, but he was still pretty light-headed from the beating. He went under, giving the victory to Kim Kaphwan. "Wow," the Tae Kwon Do enthusiast said to himself. "I can't believe that worked." [---] "They say E. Honda made the Kessel Run in five parsecs!" "Other than sumo, he developed two other fighting styles! And he keeps them in a vault!" "He surgically implanted a laser onto Kano's eye!" "Not bad for a ten foot tall son of a bitch who weighs 1150 pounds!" "E. Honda gave Johann rabies!" "He's the only non-American allowed to run for president!" "His summer house is guarded by Mousers!" "The rippling in his stomach holds the secret to perpetual motion!" "He still believes in Sheng Long! And he wants to put him in porno films!" "TO E. HONDA!" [---] Quan Chi watched the Contest within his lair. Thanks to TiVo he already got to watch the Jae/Rock match, so he was awaiting the Final Showdown finale with little interest. As he sat, his fingers steepled and an evil grin appeared on his face, he pondered the current situation. "Yes... everything is indeed going according to plan." Meanwhile, Moloch was holding the newspaper with Drahmin sitting next to him, peering over his shoulder. "What happen there?" Moloch asked. "Orange kitty eat all lasagna. Man get angry at kitty." "Tee hee. Comics funny." "Me not get why Haggar Horrible so strong but no slaughter weak." Quan Chi looked over at his henchmen. "Would you two hush? I'm enjoying my triumph." Drahmin lifted his club hand. "Yes, Drahmin?" "Why you make Jae and Rock no like other?" "I thought I explained this to you. It's how I do things. I find it's more necessary to get rid of my potential enemies indirectly. I saw Rock Howard and Kim Jae Hoon as likely obstacles, so I decided I would have them either kill each other or renounce their goodness and replace it with evil. I succeeded with Howard, but I'm afraid the Kim boy will need more pushing." "But why Jae and Rock?" Moloch asked. "This city of South Town is one of the most dangerous places of residence in the last several decades. And during this time, it had mostly been run with an iron fist by that man." Quan Chi pointed at the screen. "Geese Howard. And who was the man who ended his beautiful reign of terror? A homeless wretch named Terry Bogard. But Geese had a son. And Terry Bogard raised this son as his own, filling him with ideals of truth and goodness. Then he met a man named Kain Heinlein--" Moloch rested his head in his hand. "Bo-ring!" "Shut up! Fine. The point is, Rock Howard could have gone either way. He could have turned into a hero like his adoptive father or a villain like his biological father." Drahmin scratched his head. "But when you give me speech of birds and bees you say that woman needed because she has--" "Shut up! I'm speaking! So I manipulated time in a way that Jae has turned Rock in the path of his father. Now it is a given that he will not step in my way. And hopefully he will be like his true father. Because Kyo Kusanagi can try as he might, but he will never be Geese Howard. Even with Shang Tsung working for him." Moloch raised his hand. "Yes, Moloch..." "Is Kyo hiring?" "Shut. Up." Quan Chi gestured with his hand and the channel changed to show the events of several weeks beforehand. "Now as for Kim Jae Hoon, he never truly registered on my radar. He was part of my plot to turn Rock already, but I never gave much thought to the idea that he could eventually spoil my evil plans..." "What plans?" Drahmin wondered out loud. Quan Chi slammed his fists onto his desk and stood up in anger. "What part of 'shut up' don't you understand!? For the love of evil, why the hell do I even keep you two around!? It's times like this when I wonder why I ever got rid of Baraka!" Quietly, Moloch reminded him, "You say Baraka talk too much about how much of drag it is when girlfriend Mileena give him blow--" "Oh, right." Quan Chi sat back down in his chair. "Where was I?" "Jae not on radar," Drahmin recapped. "Thank you. Can't believe I forgot about Jae. Now despite Kim Jae Hoon's mostly pure heritage, his family has not had the success of Bogard, Howard, or even Kusanagi. But this incident on the monitor made me think twice. Are you following me?" "Duhhhh..." "Yes, Moloch. That *is* Jedah on the screen. Once I saw how Kim Jae Hoon handled himself against one of Hell's greatest enemies, I couldn't help but be intrigued. So like Rock, I decided to turn him to evil. He has put up resistance, but I believe it won't be long until I can make his heart as dark as mine. Even now his soul is filled with despair about the trouble he had caused. Soon there will be no one who can stop me from fulfilling my evil plans." "What evil plans?" Moloch repeated. "Oh, don't you fret my dear oni. These are indeed great evil plans." "What are they?" Moloch still wondered. "Yeah! You can tell we! Us loyal!" "Heh. Well, you see my plans... uh..." "Do they involve zombies?" butted Drahmin. Quan Chi stroked his chin. "Hm. Maybe. Changing the subject, I did pretty damn well at Bingo tonight and--" "Wait minute!" Moloch exclaimed. "You really don't have evil plans!" "I do too! Really! I'm just... uh... not telling you guys because you'd tell Shang Tsung." "So are plans about ruling world or destroying world?" asked Drahmin. "Shut up!" Moloch smirked. "He don't have evil plans." "Quiet! Both of you! Now let's just say that I didn't have any evil plans. Once I did, there would be nothing in my way to stop me. I mean, it's not like my plans have a tendency to blow up in my face, right?" As if on cue, Scorpion the undead ninja busted through the door and shook his fist at the bald albino. "QUAN CHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!! Me, my family and my clan are dead and it's all your fault!" Quan Chi, Moloch and Drahmin just blankly stared at him. Moloch shook his head and said, "That so one year ago." "Well I'm still going to kick Quan's ass! And nothing can stand in my way!" Moloch and Drahmin stood up. This accidentally caused Moloch to pound his head into the ceiling. Scorpion lifted his brow. "Well, fuck." [---] Fuuma looked D'arby dead in the eye. He was absolutely confident that his hand would win back the souls of Poison and Hugo. Even the great gambler was concerned with what the plucky ninja had. "Your move, Fuuma," D'arby said. "Go fish!" "...we're playing poker." "Oh. Then I fold." Osiris appeared again. "Wait!" CJ begged. "Not yet!" Osiris paused, though CJ couldn't see it. CJ smacked Fuuma in the back of the head. "Okay, go ahead." [---] A limousine pulled up in an otherwise empty parking garage. A window near the back rolled down and a deep, Japanese voice spoke. "I know you're there, Abobo. I wish to speak with you." A brick wall crumbled, revealing the monstrosity, looking somewhat different since his last appearance in this story. Now the giant wore a pink muscle shirt, similar to Hugo's and at some point decided to grow a ponytail. Annoyed, he walked over to the limo with his hands out, intent on twisting it into a pretzel. "Now now, Abobo," the man said from within the limo. "There is no need for that." "ABOBO!" "Do you know who I am, Abobo?" Heihachi Mishima moved his head towards the window. Abobo nodded, but still didn't put his hands down. "Good. Then I can spare you the introduction. I have been hearing lots of things about you, Abobo. Good things. I hear you roughed up Hugo Andore not too long ago. Is this true? And his ninja friend?" Abobo lowered his hands. He looked at Heihachi, puzzled, for a moment until finally saying, "What do you want?" "I have a proposition for you. I have a spot open in my pet project SCABS. It would be perfect for a man of your size and strength. I am very wealthy and I can make you *very* powerful. So what do you say?" Abobo smiled. "Good." Heihachi opened the door. "Come ride with me. We'll discuss the details. Oh, and also you have to change your name to Abubo." "ABUBO?!" "Yes, they made a mistake with your nametag and the paperwork would be too annoying if we were to fix it." [---] "DOUSHITA!" the loud crowd hailed again and again. This crowd was, of course, made up of Karnov, Blanka, Dig Dug, Jin Saotome, Chu Chu, Strength, Lion, Fygar (who had a suspicious scar over his right eye), and Fygar's many minions. All of them flexed their arms while cheering for their god. As the whole crowd hushed down, Dan Hibiki took the stage. He took a silent, serious look at all of those attending. With a deep breath, he addressed the whole lot of them. "OOSHA!!" The crowd cheered. Again they started the chanting of "doushita". "Just like the prophecy had stated, I am back, baby! And now that I'm free, it's time to spread the word of Saikyo stronger than ever! But before we can do that, we must destroy the one true antagonist of Saikyo." The crowd bowed their heads in understanding. "We must destroy the One-Eyed Sinmeister!" "Just say Sagat, you dickweed!" Benimaru shouted as he walked on stage. "Sinmeister? Please!" "Ah! I see it is the Chosen One. We finally meet." "We've met before, Dan." "I mean face to face. After you became my Chosen One." Beni nodded. "I need to ask you something." "Anything, future husband of the virgin maiden Chu Chu." In the crowd, Chu Chu shifted her eyes nervously. "You are the real Dan Hibiki, right?" "Right." "As in, not one of those godly illusions or your not from a dream or anything, right? I mean, I'm really speaking to the actual Dan Hibiki in the flesh?" "Yes, my child." "That's all I needed to know." Benimaru cracked his knuckles and rushed Dan, trying to strangle him to death. "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" [---] The three survivors of the good guys team got ready for the Final Showdown against the opposing three villain survivors. Jae wanted to talk to his father about how depressed he was, knowing that he somehow caused his best friend to hate him with a passion, but he was afraid of the repercussions of what could happen to the space-time continuum. His Nameless Everpresent Girlfriend had to watch in the stands, but he wanted the opinion of somebody older anyway. So he decided to ask his other teammate for advice. "Hey, Battler Man?" "What is it, new chum?" "Do you think I'm stupid?" "Of course you're stupid. All kids are stupid. Why do you ask?" "Well, the other day I found out my best friend hated my guts. It was the first time I saw him in about a year and he was so pissed at me that he killed Choi." "Choi." Battler Man scratched his chin. "The old, ugly guy with the big nose?" "No, that was Chin. Choi was the small guy with the claws." "Oh. That guy creeped me out. Always wobbling and spewing fire." "You're getting him confused with Chin again." "Which was... What was the fat guy's name?" "Chang Ko--" "I mean the other guy. The one with the green shirt." "Cheng?" "Yeah," Battler Man said. "He was funny. Did those four ever become a team for a year? Because that would have been funny. Because they all have 'ch' at the beginning of their names. And, you know, that's kinda funny." Jae realized how far off tangent they were getting. "No, Cheng never fought in King of Fighters." "That's too bad. He probably wasn't allowed because he'd always smoke marijuana with that Mexican guy." "Now you're talking about Tommy Chong. Listen..." "Ch." "Huh?" "Ch. Ch ch ch." Battler Man then bellowed, "CH-CH-CH-CHANGES!" "What?" "Paul McCartney." "What about him?" "He sang that song." "What song?!"" "Changes. It's okay that you don't know it though. It sucks. But I just saw it on an infomercial, and I can't get it out of my head. Now what were we talking about?" "As I was saying, my best friend..." Battler Man interrupted. "Your best friend is a pothead? You shouldn't be hanging out with potheads, Jae." "I don't hang out with potheads! My former best friend Rock killed my dear friend Choi -- the skinny guy with the claws -- and I found out he hates me because of me beating him up here! But it doesn't make sense since he didn't hate me yet. I keep trying to figure it out, but it's like some kind of paradox!" "So you're saying it's your fault Choi is dead." Jae looked at Battler Man with disgust. "Holy bejeezus, you're horrible with advice!" "Listen, kid. I got puke on my cape and I have a headache you wouldn't believe. Now is not the best time." Battler Man put his arm around Jae and pulled him closer. "But I gotta say, that was hilarious when you made that kid shit himself." On the other side of the arena, Sigma looked around to only see Geese Howard around and not Kreuzritter. "Where is the other filthy human?" he asked. Geese narrowed his eyes at the comment. "He's getting ready to steal the Eternal Champion's powers." "Why would he do that?" "Why do you think we came here, robot? To win a fight against a bunch of no-names? To be forgotten footnotes in the books of history? Look at those three on the other side, Sigma. The fat one is obviously under the influence. And I know the taller of the other two. Believe me, he's nothing to be afraid of. I can name many others who would have been better choices to defend 'good' than him. I don't dabble in trivial things like this, Sigma. I only thirst for power. As much as I don't like you -- and I'm sure you despise me -- the fact that the three of us have survived this farce earns us the right to share the Eternal Champion's power in our respective time frames." "I see." "Attention everybody!" The Eternal Champion announced upon a stage. "It is time for us to begin the Final Showdown!" An echo followed his announcement. "The rules are simple. Each team of three finalists will battle in the arena in a no-holds bar contest TO THE DEATH!" Kim and Jae looked to each other in shock. "Sorry. I forgot that knocking your opponent out is fine too. And now to introduce our combatants! On the side of Good we have KIM KAPHWAN, KIM JAE HOON and BATTLER MAN!" The crowd cheered. "And on the side of Evil we have GEESE HOWARD, SIGMA and KREUZRIT... where is Kreuzritter?" The Eternal Champion finally realized with much annoyance that Kreuzritter was standing right behind him, jabbing him in the back of the neck with a straw and sucking on it in an attempt to gain his mystical powers. *suck* "Stop that." *suck* "Stop that." *suck* "Please. Stop that." An angry Geese Howard stormed up upon the stage. He pushed Kreuzritter away and put his hand around the Eternal Champion's throat. "Idiot! You're doing it wrong. Allow me." Then he flexed his arm and gave a stressed facial expression while the Eternal Champion just stared at him blankly. "What are you doing?" "I'm transferring your energy into my body, what does it look like?" "Geese?" "What?!" "Those aren't your powers. Those are Rugal Bernstein's powers." Still trying, Geese grunted, "Are you sure?" "Very." "You're not feeling anything? Not even a little...?" The Eternal Champion shoved Geese's arm aside. "That's it. You're all disqualified. Good wins." Sigma growled. "Stupid humans." [---] Dr. Doom cracked a smile. "Amateurs." Dong Hwan then walked through the door. "Hey, Doom!" "Ew! Dong, go take a shower! You smell like a sewer. Doom commands it." "I guess you're right. It has been about a week since my last one anyway." A phone began to ring. Doom put his thumb to his ear and started talking. "Hello? Ah, it's you, Magnus. How goes it? Uh huh. Yes, Doom was watching the Contest too. Yes, Doom knows that the two of us would have dominated. Right. Doom agrees. Kim Kaphwan vs. Geese Howard would have been a decent fight to witness. It is indeed too bad." He began to stroke his metallic chin. "If only there was a place where one could see Kim Kaphwan and Geese Howard go at it. If only." Doom took a quick glance at a computer and cleared his throat. "But unfortunately Kim Kaphwan and Geese Howard are both dead. We can never see them fight here. Still, if ONLY there was some place that COULD have them fight." Doom walked by two of his inventions, the Reality Energy Collector Beam of Tractoring along with the Uranium Vaporizing Ray 3. "Because Kim Kaphwan and Geese Howard is a rivalry that would never get old. Nope. Never. So how's the meteor you live on? Fuck you, you know I meant asteroid." [---] "That's a nasty cut," Angel told Ralf as he sat with his back against the counter. "I've had worse. I'll be fine." "I don't know. Here," Angel tore off a piece of her hakama and wrapped it around Ralf's arm. "Much better." "You think that's bad?" asked Clark. "I think I scraped my shoulder during the fight." "Here, let me take care of that." Angel tore off another piece of her hakama and tended to Clark. Chang, meanwhile, was talking with Gordon. "Gordon, huh? I'm planning on naming my kid Gordon." "Really. I'm sure that's a total coincidence." Chang lifted his eyebrow. "You do look very familiar." "I get that a lot. People say I look like that wrestler, the Big Bossman." "Hm... I guess. What's your full name, again?" "Gordon Koe... uh... Ko... Kowalski. Gordon Kowalski. That's my name." "And you said you're from the future?" "Yeah. I'm here for two reasons. First off, I need to find a guy named Kim Jae Hoon." Chang's eyes opened more. "Kim Jae Hoon? I know that guy." Without any surprise in his tone, Gordon responded, "Really. What a coincidence. Anyway, he's a target. In my time frame, there is a great war going on against evil. A dear friend of mine has proven to be a true asset in fighting back. But since our enemies could not kill him in the traditional way, they sent two assassins named Gozu and Mezu to the past to prevent him from ever living. If these two ninja assassins catch up to Jae Hoon, the future may become even worse for guys like me." "So to save Jae I have to beat up ninjas? Those guys are like a dime a dozen around these parts!" "It's not as hard as it sounds. These are futuristic ninjas. They wear gasmasks." Beside them, Ralf entered the conversation while Angel put another piece of cloth around his trick knee. "Gasmasks? What the hell for?" "I honestly have no idea. I'm also here as a search party to bring someone back. There's an ally of ours named X who traveled to this time for personal reasons. Our records have no indication of what happened to him and he never came back." Chang stood up and looked out the giant hole in the wall. "Well, I wanna help Jae and all, but that Dio creep is still out there. I really oughtta crush his skull." "Listen, Chang." Gordon stood up. "You have to forget about Choi. If you go off to avenge him, you could end up screwing the world over!" "...who said anything about Choi? I mean, how would you know about that?" "Uh... Clark told me." Clark looked over. "I did?" "Sure you did." Chang held up his iron ball and examined it. "Maybe you're right. The way you make it sound, this isn't the type of world I want my kid growing up in. Count me in." Ralf stood up and patted Chang on the shoulder. "Me too." Clark did the same. "Consider me in too. Mainly because the Commander's been showing us slides of his wedding all week." Gordon smiled. "Thanks guys." "Kim Jae Hoon," Ralf said out loud. "He works for Violence Unlimited, right?" Chang nodded. "Yep." "So maybe this means I can score with that redhead chick." "Actually," Chang informed him, "she left to join SCABS." "Fuck. Anyone know if that nameless girl is seeing anyone?" The other three just stared at him in silence. "Fuuma!" Sub-Zero cried from the doorway, out of breath. "Sorry, but traffic was hell getting over here! ...Fuuma?" "Gee," Clark said, "that guy seems to have a nasty hangnail." "Huh?" "Let me take care of that," Angel said while reaching down. *tear* [---] Kyo folded his hands as he sat at his desk, addressing Shang Tsung, Goro and Armor King. "I'm sure you're all wondering why I called you all here." Armor King looked around in confusion. "We were already here for a half hour. Then you just sat down and told Yuki to tell us to step into your office." "Punctuality. I like that." Kyo's face became very serious. "I'm afraid I'm in danger of being kidnapped yet again." "From who?" Goro asked. "Well here's the thing." Kyo reached from under his desk and pulled out a smoking brick covered with ash. "This was thrown through my window earlier tonight. It's still warm. There was a note explaining the who, what and why, but it was obviously burned with the brick. This pisses me the fuck off. And why does it piss me the fuck off? Because fire..." Shang Tsung glared at him. "...is yours and only yours to use." "Right. But I figure whoever tossed this is after me because..." "...this person is angry about the upcoming Fire Tax." "Whoa. That's amazing. It's like we fin..." "...ish each other's sentences." Kyo blinked. "Just like I always say when I'm in the shower..." Shang remained silent. With no response, Kyo just sang, "SHOWER TIIIIME!" The door smashed open, revealing the glowing red eyes of Moloch the oni. He bared his teeth and stepped in, growling. Armor King got ready to grapple while Goro stood in front of Kyo. Shang Tsung seemed to be at ease. Moloch lifted his left hand to show a horribly mangled Scorpion, held by the ankle. "This yours?" "Yes. Yes it is." Moloch dropped the specter and stomped out of the room. "Ugh..." Scorpion groaned as he struggled to stand. "What's wrong with you?" Kyo asked. "Moloch and Drahmin kicked my--" Kyo silenced his bodyguard with a wrench to the skull. "We better get you to a hospital." [---] Kyo, Goro and Armor King stood in the midst of the area known only as "Flashman's Stage". Armor King held the half-conscious body of Scorpion in his arms while Goro laughed his ass off for no apparent reason. The blue tiles covering the walls kept glimmering hypnotically while a really catchy song played over the speakers. Several random pyrotechnics went off. Kyo simply asked, "What kind of hospital is this?" [---] Kyo drove his car down the streets of South Town with Armor King in the passenger seat. "What kind of hospital was that?" "You're gonna miss the turn!" Armor King yelled. "Check this out." Kyo spun the wheel and hit another car head on, causing an explosion. After the accident, Armor King's good eye stared straight up into Kyo's face. "Ugh... I'm passing out." "We better get you to a hospital." [---] Armor King woke up within an underground cemetery, filled with 26x26 rows of coffins, all labeled. He saw that Scorpion was coming to as well. "Ugh... What is all this?" Kyo pointed at the coffins of the Krypt with a wave of his arm. "You can pick anything. Anything you want." Scorpion sighed. "I need comic book pages." Armor King groaned. "I need action figures." "And a movie of me decorating a cake." Kyo paused. "Did you hear laughing?" Armor King listened. "No." Scorpion stood up and dusted himself off. "I'm gonna go." "Wait, did somebody just laugh again? Somebody laughed again." "And don't follow me." The undead pro wrestler got up and followed Scorpion. "Hang on, I'm going with you." Kyo looked around. "Wait a minute, not so fast. Roll call. Armor King." "Dead." "Scorpion." "Eat me." "Goro. ...Where's Goro?" [---] Back at Flashman's place, Goro was still laughing uncontrollably. [---] American Sentinel spent the bus ride home filling his face with burgers. "Wow. You're really hungry," Zan mentioned. "Not at all. I'm just avenging my loss." "Huh." Metroid Bob consoled the angry Samus. "Well look on the bright side, Samus. If you ever get tired of bounty hunting you can always become a lifeguard and..." "Just be quiet, Bob." "All I'm saying is--" "I have a super missile and I'm ready to use it." "Understood." Professor Tym stopped the bus next to a dojo. "First stop: Korea 1993. That's you, Kaphwan." Kim acknowledged this with a nod. Then he looked to his son. His boy's hair was slightly bluish and longer and his dobok was a little looser, but Kim Kaphwan felt as if he was staring into a mirror. He put his hand on his offspring's shoulder and smiled. Unlike most others, Jae was unaffected by the intense glare. "This is a weird experience for me, just so you know. I can see a fire within you, Jae. The flame of truth and I don't mean that spirit friend of yours. It does my heart good to see that my own flesh and blood will one day grow up to follow in what I believe in. You are still young, but I just know that you'll exceed my skills in the future. I know you'll make me proud, Jae. I wish Dong was here too, but I'm sure that he'll do fine. Especially with someone like you there to support him." Kim took a deep breath. "I know that since we are from different times, we shouldn't talk about these things, but... well... when you saw me earlier, the way you reacted scared me. It scared me because I could tell that it had been long since you last talked to me. I know I'm going to die, Jae. Some time in the next fifteen years I'm going to bite it and I won't be there to see you and your brother grow up to become men. So I want to tell you this now before I go: no matter what you do and no matter what happens to you, you are my son and I love you. Even if you hang out with potheads." Jae stopped tearing up in order to deliver a dirty look at Battler Man. "What?" "Good bye, Jae. I'll see you on the other side, I hope." After a long moment of silence, all the choked up Jae could muster was, "Good bye, dad." Kim Kaphwan stepped off the bus and waved goodbye. There wasn't a dry eye in the bus, other than Metroid Bob who didn't have any tear ducts. The bus left and Jae solemnly looked out the rear window. NEG put her arms around him and leaned on him. "He's right, you know. You should be proud of who you are." Inside Jae's head, he only saw an angry Rock Howard standing over the dead body of Choi Bounge. He took a deep breath. "I guess." Then he looked over to Battler Man. "You told him I hang out with potheads?" "I thought you said you did." "I told you I didn't!" "Oh. Ah well." "What else did you tell dad?" "Eh, you know. Stuff. Who wins the Superbowl, what the new Star Wars movies are like, when and how he dies, stuff like that." NEG let go of Jae and grabbed Battler Man by the football symbol on his chest. "You told him how he's going to die!? Don't you know that it will mess with time and create distortions?!" "Don't worry about it. He won't remember it." "What do you mean?" Jae asked. On the other side of the bus, Zan began to chuckle. "What's so funny?" Sentinel asked. "I just realized that Samus is riding this bus while her outfit is riding--" "Duck!" The two ducked under the table to evade the oncoming laser blasts. [---] Kim walked into his dojo to see three figures standing before him. "Hey, can I help you guys with something?" "Wow!" Kyosuke exclaimed. "It's Kim Kaphwan! He lead one of the most diverse teams ever to compete in the King of Fighters tournament for years!" "Yeah, that's nice." Potemkin flashed his badge. "Officer Potemkin, Time Posse. You're in violation of time code 346: Knowing How You Will Perish in the Future. Ah'm gonna have ta ask that you look at Cyrax fer a moment." Cyrax the cyber ninja, dressed in a poofy red dress, did his Cancan Dance of Distraction. Kim stared at him without a clue of what was going on. "What the heck is going on--" *POW!* The airborne Kim's head left an imprint in one of the walls. Potemkin massaged his fist and stretched his fingers. "That boy got him some hard teeth." Cyrax nodded in approval. "That takes care of that. When he comes to, he'll forget about everything that has happened in the last day. Now let's get back to the satellite before dinner gets cold." The Time Posse vanished in a blast of bright light. "Oh... my head," Kim said as he stood back up. He rubbed the big bump on his noggin. "Hey, Kim!" "Terry? Andy? Good to see you two. What do I owe the honor?" Terry held out an invitation. "The King of Fighters tournament is coming up and they changed it to teams of three instead of one-on-one. And since we're wondering if you want to join us." "Yes," Andy agreed. "Or else we'll have to hang out with Higashi more." After a moment of thought, Kim's face lit up. "Sorry, my friends. But I just had an epiphany. I think instead of teaming up with you guys, I'm going to find two dangerous criminals, beat them up, teach them how to fight like me, make them fight with me in the King of Fighters, and in the end turn them into good human beings." One long pause later... "Excuse me," Andy said. "I just want to get this straight. You are going to find two dangerous criminals on your own without any weapons or anything and you're going to beat them up. Then you plan on teaching them how to be even more dangerous which will cause them to be better people." "That sounds about right." Andy and Terry nodded, then left the dojo. "Kaphwan's gone nuts," Terry said. "Too many hits in the head, I guess." "Good going." "Don't blame me, Andy. I guess Higashi it is. Since you're being a tool about having Mai join us." "Listen, I already explained this. I just don't like the idea of you checking her out from the sidelines during her matches. Besides, a woman would cramp our style. With her around we can't belch, scratch ourselves or piss in the sink." Terry turned to his brother. "..........." "Not that I piss in the sink or anything. Let's go find Joe." [---] Osiris removed the soul of the Driver, allowing the body to slump to the floor. In a shocking turn of events, D'arby actually defeated the wheelman in a staring contest. "That leaves just you and me, it seems, Cracker Jack." The leader of Violence Unlimited was the only one left who could challenge Daniel J. He tossed the Driver's carcass into the pile with Hugo, Poison, Fuuma and even Sub-Zero (who apparently failed when D'arby had him test his might). "I'm not the gambling type, D'arby. You know that." "You don't seem to have much of a choice. That is, unless you want to go hire a new set of employees. Maybe you can get a job working for the Ikari Warriors or OOSHA or even... SCABS." CJ just stood there, scowling at the pompous man who was shuffling a deck of cards. "Come on, Cracker Jack. Let's play some cards. It can be any game you want. Would you like to play Crazy Eights?" "I'm not going to do this." "If you say so. How about a game of poker?" "I don't play poker, jackass." "No need to have a dirty mouth about it." D'arby ran his thumb through the deck and grinned at his final opponent. "I know the game that would be perfect. Blackjack. Fitting, don't you think?" Cracker Jack just glared for a moment until a smile grew upon his face. "I bet I can kick your ass." "That's better. Now tell me what I want to hear." "Me betting my soul?" "That would be well and good, but if you were to win, you'd only get back one soul at a time. I'm feeling generous so I tell you what: since you are his boss, you have the right to bet Kim Jae Hoon's soul on this game. If you do, I'll wager everyone. What do you say?" CJ nodded. "I bet my soul and Kim Jae Hoon's soul." D'arby pointed. "GOOD!" He dealt the cards and ended up giving CJ a nine and a king. "Nineteen. I take it you'll stay?" "No. Not at all. I hit." "You hit?! On nineteen?!" A baseball bat to the side of the face shut D'arby up for the moment. "Yes. I hit." Holding his hand over his face, D'arby tried to crawl away. "What are you doing?! You call this playing cards?!" "I never said anything about playing cards, Danny Boy. I bet that I could kick your ass. You agreed to it. So now it's time to put your money where you mouth is." "But... but...!" Cracker Jack smashed his bat into D'arby's shoulder. "But nothing. Get the fuck up. At least try to fight back, you pansy." D'arby stood up and swung his fist at CJ. It was easily blocked, followed by CJ smashing D'arby's nose in with the butt of the bat. "I can see why the guys always invite you over to gamble. I'm almost having fun." He pulled back and knocked D'arby over the table with a homerun swing to the face. D'arby's lights went out as he finally admitted defeat. The chip representatives of Hugo, Poison, Fuuma, Driver and Sub-Zero exploded into light and zapped back into the bodies of their respective owners. "What happened...?" Poison groaned. CJ put his foot on D'arby's chest. "Our friend Danny Boy cashed in his chips. That's what happened." Sub-Zero dusted himself off. "Well, my job is done. See you later, Fuuma." "Hold on a second, Sub." Sub-Zero turned around to see the half-face of CJ. "What?" "If you're taking off, get rid of this piece of shit while you're at it. Turn him to yellow snow for all I care." [---] "GAH!" Daniel J. D'arby sat up, covered in sweat. "It... it was only a dream." Then the overwelming heat began to take effect. "This... this isn't my..." "Hello, D'arby." "BLACKHEART!" The gambler looked around to see he was in Hell, trapped inside some kind of crystal prison. And he was held in the palm of Blackheart's hand. "You failed me, D'arby." "No, wait! Blackheart, it's not over! I can still get the Elementals! All I need are a couple more souls and I can do it! Please, Blackheart! Please!" "Hm..." Blackheart thought to himself for a moment. "No." He shattered the crystal in his hand, completely ending Daniel J. D'arby's existence. "The saga continues..." A voice came from somewhere in the perimeter. "Oy, I take it that means ya got a job openin'." "Who is there!?" Blackheart demanded. Lord Raptor walked through a set of flames and smiled at Blackheart. "Raptor's the name. Word on the street is that ya want to give Earth tha ultimate renovation, mate." "I am not your mate, zombie." "Maybe not. But I can come in pretty handy if ya let me." Blackheart ran his fingers across his chin. "What do you get out of this?" "I guess I'm just the kinda guy who enjoys playin' with fire." [---] Author's notes Chapter 30 already? Damn. Well, Chapter 31 if you want to be anal about it. And what way better to celebrate than to get rid of a character from the original chapter that nobody really cares about? I was going to show Battler Man returning to his booby-trapped lair, but I didn't have the time to do it. Also, sorry for the overuse of Mortal Kombat gags. The new game pretty much inspired me enough that I had to actually pull my punches and take scenes out. Thanks to Grahf and black dub for prereading. Thanks again to the eDANgelist for collaborating some good old Battler-speak and Metal for giving me the idea for the Kyo in the Krypt gag. Up next is OgOpOgO-. So it rocks by default! Gavin "Gavok" Jasper Half Horse Productions http://www.rit.edu/~gjj2192/hol [---] I-no and Clay9999 sat back and watched the reality game show Buff Enough where El Stingray and Titanic Tim trained future potential wrestlers. While tuning her guitar, I-no commented, "I bet Shingo will be cut next." "Probably." Then Angel walked through the door, wearing only a pair of red Daisy Duke shorts. "Hey Angel," I-no yawned. "Hey I-no. Hey Clay." "Hey Ang-- what the Hell?!" "What?" "What happened to your pants?! And your top?!" Angel looked down. "Oh, that. Yeah, a bunch of guys got hurt so I had to use some pieces of my pants to help them out." "*Some* pieces?!" "What, you wanted me to let them bleed to death?" "YES!" "Feh, whatever. So then I walked home and it started raining. I should probably get a better brand of paint next time. Ah well. I like these shorts better anyway." Clay9999 simply groaned in anger. I-no leaned back in her chair and started playing her guitar. "Who wears short shorts? Angel wears short sh-- whoa!" She leaned back too far and tumbled to the floor. "Shit, my knee's cut." "Oh, let me get that for you." Clay9999 stood up, walked over to a wall and proceeded to smash his head into it many times.